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Facilitator Club

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8 contributions to Facilitator Club
Seeking Recommendations from Leadership and Professional Development Experts!
I'm on the lookout for recommendations from fellow professionals in the Leadership and Professional Development space. Can you help me identify curriculums or programs that meet the following criteria? Criteria: Customizable Training Materials: I'm searching for a curriculum that offers robust leadership training materials that can be easily tailored to suit various audiences and organizational contexts. Cost-Effective Usage: low to no cost for ongoing use of the materials once purchased.' Facilitator Certification or Training: I'm particularly interested in programs that provide certification or training for facilitators before implementation, ensuring effective delivery and outcomes. I've come across names like Velsoft, Real Colors, and Corporate Training Materials. Have you had any experience with these or similar resources?
New comment Jun 2
1 like • Jun 2
Center for Creative Leadership sells workshop kits, but from what I remember they're pretty costly. - I'm Everything DiSC and Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team certified, and an authorized retailer, and many of my offerings incorporate these frameworks. Many teams have the need to work through conflict, team building, building trust, psychological safety, and/or feedback/accountability. So I use these as the baseline. Happy to chat more about these, as this is what I have the most experience with. HRDQ has a lot of workshop kits and respoducible training. I've used the workshop kits, and they were good.
Psychological Safety Team Workshop Ideas
I am going to facilitate a workshop on the topic of Psychological Safety. In this workshop, I aim to facilitate discussions among our colleagues about what can enhance psychological safety at work and what might prevent them from feeling safe to speak up or share ideas. Does anyone have relevant experiences in this area? Do you have any suggested agenda/exercises that we can incorporate into the workshop? The workshop will have fewer than 30 participants. Any ideas, experiences, or suggestions are highly welcomed! 🙏
New comment 15d ago
2 likes • Jun 2
Love this topic/thread! I do culture workshops, and always incorporate the 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive team model (based on the book 5 Dysfunctions of a Team). It's a simple, yet effective, model to build trust and increase communication/feedback for an open culture that breeds high performing teams. They have a lot of great activities in the 5 Dysfuctions book as well as The Advantage. Would be happy to chat further as well. I've been using this model for almost a decade. Lots of great resources above I'm excited to dive into.
Follow up on the first workshop ever made !
So- thank you all for the feedback on my previous post regarding ideas for my first workshop! 🙏🏻 so much appreciation from this ! Well, tonight- I had my first one ever made, since graduating from my innovation and entrepreneurship education - and wow- what an experience, with so much to learn from ❤️ My heart is bubbling of joy and pride ! I used the framework- with minor alterations from the workshop let’s playbook, such as the data collection was initiated 14 days prior the workshop- and I joined some Of the tasks to one, due to time 🙈 But- all in all, such a great experience- loads of leaning going forward- and a lot of good input/feedback from the group - and resulted in 2 very valuable and critical working commitments! So thank you all for contributing and helping me to getting the strength and confidence to do so- and not being a complete nervous wreck, but noticing my improvement issues during the workshop- but improvising and pulling through ! ❤️❤️ This community is just absolutely amazing and awesome- and I already shared and praised it to loads of other innovative kindred spirits ❤️❤️ Wishes of a great evening and keep up the awesomeness- to improve the world, one step at a time 😎🥳🙏🏻🥰
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
Congrats! What a good feeling
1 like • Nov '23
@Line Abildboe love that! Overcoming perfection is totally my mantra. That’s awesome 🎉🎉🎉
My 5-Phase Roadmap to Mastering Facilitation 🌟 Share Your Thoughts!
Hey Facilitator Club Community! 👋 I'm excited to share my game plan for mastering the art of facilitation. I've broken down my journey into 5 major phases: from education to continuous improvement. I hope this checklist can serve as a useful roadmap for anyone looking to get serious about this craft. So here it is: 🌟 Igniter Phase: The Spark - ✅ Joined the Facilitator Club: Took the first step to get inspired, stay updated, and build my support system. This ignited my journey into the world of facilitation! 📚 Phase 1: Education and Skill Building - 📘 Read "Make Time" by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky: Mastering balanced productivity. - 📘 Read "Design Sprint" by Jake Knapp: Foundational understanding of key methods. - 🎓 Join “Workshopper Master” by AJ&Smart: Comprehensive training! - ✏️ Compile a List of Exercises: My toolkit of facilitation techniques. 🤝 Phase 2: Practical Experience - 👫 Facilitate Workshops for Friends: Safe space for practice and real feedback. - 🎭 Conduct Mock Workshops: Solo or with volunteers for real-world practice. - 💼 Offer Free Workshops for Local Businesses: Testimonials and portfolio building! 🏆 Phase 3: Building Credibility - 📝 Document and Share Experiences: Blogging and/or vlogging my journey. - 📋 Compile a Portfolio: Case studies and testimonials. 💰 Phase 4: Monetizing and Scaling - 💼 Offer Paid Workshops: Start small, then scale up. - 📰 Publish Articles/Guides: Sharing my expertise. - 💌 Start a Mailing List: Regular insights and updates for my audience. 🔄 Phase 5: Continuous Improvement - 🎤 Attend Facilitation Conferences: Keeping up with industry trends. - 🧐 Peer Reviews: Get feedback from experienced facilitators. - 📚 Refresh Your Training: As tech and methods evolve, so should I. That's My Plan! 🙌 I believe that planning is half the battle won. With this checklist, I aim to hold myself accountable and track my progress. And hey, we're all in this journey together, so I'd love to hear your feedback, tips, or even your own goals. Let's help each other level up! 🚀
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
I really appreciate this breakdown. I'm going to start using this as I continue to build this skill and grow my practice as an external vendor rather than employee. Thanks for sharing!
Landed first 2 hour workshop for $4k
Last week I facilitated a 2 hour workshop for an insurance company that wants to introduce a new offer to grow and change direction due to new California law that is killing its cash cow offer. To put things in context, in the past I charged $2k for a day. But, it never hurts to ask even thought the thought feels frightening. Best of the experience is that this was the first time I run this type of workshop - “The Story Framework Sprint” and in a new Indutry. Quote from the CEO - “we have too much knowledge in our head that it’s confusing to make sense of it in a simple way”. This helps to simplify our focus.
New comment Jan 9
1 like • Nov '23
Congratulations! What a great feeling :)
1-8 of 8
Ashley Aguirre, PCC
5points to level up
Organizational development consultant and executive coach. 10 years at NASA and 2 years in tech. New to camping and love it. Excited to get connected.

Active 55d ago
Joined Oct 10, 2023
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