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The $10,000/month Synthesizer (My New Free Course)
Check out my new free course by clicking here. It's a full recap of everything we've covered in the High-Ticket Synthesizer cohort. Enjoy! Kirby PS: This Monday is the final call in the cohort. Click here to add it to your calendar. Everyone who attends will get free access to my Monetization Protocol course, which is usually exclusively for creators with 100,000+ subscribers.
New comment 2d ago
The $10,000/month Synthesizer (My New Free Course)
The New $10,000/month Model
If I could rewind time… To before I made millions online... Before I worked with Hamza, TeachingMensFashion, Leon Hendrix, Rian Doris and countless others... Before I was traveling the world in beautiful airbnbs… To the time where I was stuck studying a useless marketing degree, on the path to a job I hated, desperate to find a way to go full-time online doing what I loved. There’s 1 specific business model that I would implement, that would take me on the direct path to $10,000/month. It’s a proven business model with a brand-new twist thanks to a new feature Skool shipped less than 24 hours ago. And if you hate me for sounding cocky in the first few sentences, hopefully, you'll love me by the end of this post where I'll share exactly how you can implement this biz model step by step, for free. "This is the new fast path to money if you’re a beginner" - Alex Hormozi // What is the business model? Well, beginners trying to go full-time online face four problems: 1. No one knows who you are 2. You don’t know what to sell 3. You aren’t an expert 4. You have no authority/positioning This has always been why it's so slow, painful, and tedious to start earning an income on the internet. // What if there was a solution? What if there was a way for you to: 1. Get attention 2. Figure out what to sell 3. Become an expert 4. Be positioned as an authority If you had those four things, do you think you'd be able to make money? // Good news. There is now a way to get attention, figure out what to sell, become an expert, and be positioned as an authority in a relatively short period of time. Finally! A proven process for people in a 9-5/students/beginner-creators to go full-time online. There's two simple parts to the "New Monetization Model" Ready to hear what it is? // So that the model clicks, let me explain it in a story. A while ago I was helping Rian Doris, an 8-figure entrepreneur, build his YouTube channel. I ended up helping him go from 0 → 100,000 subscribers in 6 months.
New comment 3d ago
The New $10,000/month Model
I went from <1k to 24k impressions a day on X following Andrew Kirby's 50-500 member advice
To grow from 50 to 500 members, Andrew recommended doing 90 comments a day under creators with your target market so I've been doing 90/day on average since 7/23/24 And whaddya know? Daily impressions went from ~900 to 24k Thanks! @Andrew Kirby
New comment 9m ago
I went from <1k to 24k impressions a day on X following Andrew Kirby's 50-500 member advice
Fun speed run idea
Record your screen and… See how fast you can move a classroom / course from the bottom of page 1 to the top on desktop I think you will have to create about 27 courses or something just temporary so you can see how fast you can click.
New comment 60m ago
Synthesizer Games Closing Ceremony Tomorrow
27 days ago the Synthesizer Games started. A competition to see who could grow their Skool the most. The prize is to spend 1-day with me in person. Tomorrow we will find out who won! Here's how it will work... Tomorrow at roughly 1am PT I will create a post for people to submit their results. The deadline for results submission will be 12pm PT Wed 24th. The Closing Ceremony call will start at 11am PT, where we will find out who won, figure out how they won, and hang out. Click here to add it to your calendar. It'll be fun.
New comment 1h ago
Synthesizer Games Closing Ceremony Tomorrow
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High-Ticket Synthesizer School
I reached financial freedom by becoming a High-Ticket Synthesizer.
This group helps other creators do the same (for free).
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