Paul Sedillo
Mathew Knight is on to something...
Mathew Knight is on to something...
If you've not seen 's post Storytelling… A Superpower! asking for recommendations to help improve his storytelling skills, check it out.
But what grabbed me was his comment about the reticular activating system (RAS).
This sent me down a rabbit hole in researching the topic.
Your Reticular Activating System is there to keep you alive and sane. And it does that by trying to automate your behavior as much as possible.
This concept was reinforced by 's recent video The $100,000/month Skill-Stack (learn in this order)
Kirby talks about focus and managing behaviors. This one change can be the difference between reaching the goal of $10,000 a month or firing up your Xbox again and doing nothing.
The lessons:
  • Focus on one thing
  • Reprogram your brain to work on things that matter
  • Repetition and consistency are the keys to real success
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