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High-Ticket Synthesizer School

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151 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
100+ Members OVERNIGHT with the 2 Step Method
I grew from 8 members yesterday morning to 104 at the time of writing this (it's noon in London now). I followed the two step method outlined in @Andrew Kirby 's HT cohort, using it specifically on Reddit following @Karsten Assoua 's insights. Before I had been trying to: - Crack YouTube - still trying, but I understand this is a marathon of meticulous reiteration, not a sprint of batch uploading - Become prominent on two other Skool communities focused on Spanish. One of which banned me as they saw me as competition. The other, I had a respectful exchange with and was happy to have me (he's a YouTuber I've actually subscribed to for 2 years now which is cool). Neither of the methods mentioned above bought anyone into my community. I then tried Reddit after speaking to Karsten in DMs here. I was pessimistic about Reddit as I was used to seeing 'No Self-Promo', but decided to give it a shot. I posted in r/DigitalNomad (this is my dream avatar), who were stringent on their promo bans and removed my post immediately. Then I posted on r/Spanish and suddenly it blew up. - I wrote the copy you see below, where I spoke about my personal story surrounding the problem I'm looking to solve and how that positions me as someone that can provide a solution to my audience - I privately messaged the first ~20 people with the link, but didn't see people join off the back of that - I then edited my about page copy - I edited my post to include the link - I switched from privately messaging to replying to each comment with my link - I replied to ~110 comments, of which I'd say 40% I wrote a personalised reply to avoid coming across as spammy, if they had written a comment more detailed than what I prompted in my CTA (I asked them to comment a guess at their formal Spanish level) I had a bunch of private messages from people who were really excited about my Skool. I even had native speakers who were excited by how viral my post was and offered their help in teaching!
New comment 2d ago
100+ Members OVERNIGHT with the 2 Step Method
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I'm going to steal your methods man
Struggling with members responding to DM's & getting new members.
Hey everyone, so right now I'm struggling a bit when it comes to getting my members to respond to DM's. I do have 2-3 qualified prospects rn, but I have 20+ people in my community with the problem that I solve. I have their email but for most of them I don't have anything else. Anything I should do? I'm a bit stumped rn. Edit: I'm also struggling to get new members and the 2 step post hasn't been working too hot(though I haven't tried instagram yet). Reddit failed, X failed, and I'd like insta to be a hit. Is there any definite guide to making 2-steps work?
New comment 4d ago
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Hi Gabe Alex Hormozi specified these steps in his cold outreach method >>First dig on the surface level into the person you are about to dm (quickly surf his Profile. Posts ,comments ,etc.) >>Find something special about him (or ordinary) [Bonus point if it something that you are also into since that could be turned into a common interest] >>Then dm him/her with that info.(Bonus points if you can make it sound like a compliment for him/her) With repetition, you will be able to find something about the person within 2 to 3 minutes. Since this is about the other person ,He'll be more likely to respond. Once He Responds, the stranger barrier is broken in his mind. Now you can proceed to ask him/her questions and slowly direct him/her towards your product within 3 messages (generally people stop replying after 3 messages since the topic fades...look at the 3rd image) ("You look so fit ! You must be going to Gym Regularly"-->"Do you feel pain during Exercise?") More is in this link of Alex Hormozi here
The Only 4 Things That Matter
1. Good niche, offer, and positioning 2. Creating goodwill 3. Generating sales calls 4. Delivering results
New comment 2d ago
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Make it unreasonable to not work.
6 niches I'd avoid if I were you
- Teenagers - Students - Young men - Jobless - Beginner entrepreneurs
New comment 2d ago
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@Vlad Shevchuk watch this video by Sam ovens
100 members in 16 days using Kirby's value post method
After 16 days, I got my first 100 members! I want to share with you the method I am using to do grow my Skool, so you can copy it and grow your communities as well. To do this, you don't need an audience and you don't need to spend money on ads either. It's a simple piece of content that only takes about 15 minutes to do. I learned this method from Andrew Kirby and it's been working well for me. I have seen other people try to do it too, but the way they are doing it is hurting their reputation (or nobody is reading them). I'll give you more tips on this later. The method is to create valuable posts and post them in other Skool communities. The first time I did this, I got one lead to my group, which I was thrilled with. But as I did it more and more, I got more and more leads per post. The more you post, goodwill will compound and people become interested in who you are (and your community). It works better the MORE you do it. So, this leads me to the first mistake I see people make: Promoting your own community. In this posts, never directly promote your own community. If you're doing this, you're going to hurt your reputation and the communities are likely to ban you. Which leads me to the second rule: Make it a WIN-WIN-WIN. You win because your community grows, the other communities win because you increase engagement and offer value, and the readers benefit because they get lots of value. The moment it stops being a win for any person, your value posts stop attracting leads. Post in the RIGHT communities Make sure to post in the communities that actually have your ideal customer/avatar. If you want new members who will actually engage, this is key. For more tips and tactics on this, I made a short video so this post isn't 4000 words long 🙂
New comment 4d ago
100 members in 16 days using Kirby's value post method
1 like • 5d
Thank you so much Betty
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Ayush Sharma
316points to level up
27 ,gone from awkward to social

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Joined Apr 5, 2024
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