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38 contributions to Men of Action Forum
An exercise for you … 
This exercise is about making friends with celebrities. Write down a list of 5 celebrities or influencers that you would love to meet. People you would totally “fanboy” over. Now look up those celebrities online. Try to find some hobby, interest, or passion of theirs that most people DON’T know about them. Or at least, don’t immediately associate with them. Take our own Michael Sartain, for example. Ask him about hosting bikini competitions or dating Instagram models with 1M+ followers. He’ll chuckle, give you some rote rapport-breaking answer, and end the conversation. He will probably forget about you as soon as you leave his eyesight. But try talking to Michael about basketball. Or evolutionary psychology. Or astronomy. He will light up like a Christmas tree, talk your ear off, and probably ask YOU for YOUR Instagram so he can follow YOU. Take Leonardo DiCaprio. He’s probably tired of talking about Titanic, the candle in his ass, or dumping every girlfriend at age 25. But if you follow his Twitter, it’s all environmental activism. What do you think you should chat Leo up about? Fake-plowing Margot Robbie on the bed made of money like every sperg does? Or stopping climate change? When dealing with a celebrity, one of the BEST rapport-breaks is to ask them about something they’re interested in … that NO ONE ELSE ever asks them about. Post your lists of celebrities in the comments below. Help each other brainstorm.
New comment 8h ago
The 30-Day Friendzone Challenge
After Vegas Immersion, we send guys home with a challenge – “For the next 30 days, ‘friendzone’ EVERY girl you meet.” Doesn’t matter how hot she is – EVERY girl goes into the friendzone for the next 30 days. Don’t make a move, don’t escalate. Just be friends. Just be NORMAL. This can help you in several ways … 1. It takes the pressure off. You can cold approach with MUCH more ease. After all, you’re not trying to “pull” or get laid — you’re just making friends! No need for cheesy lines or PUA gambits. A “win” is to collect their Instagram. Easy. 2. It gets you started with building PRESELECTION — surrounding yourself with amazing women, the building blocks of a high-status social circle, which leads to more status, more dates, more opportunities. You don’t have to go to Vegas Immersion — anyone can set this challenge for themselves. Who wants to take up the challenge?
New comment 11d ago
The #1 way I know a guy will succeed … 
Having watched MOA grow from its earliest beta members to the inescapable powerhouse of male self-development it is now, I have seen many members come and go. I've had the chance to see what works and what doesn’t. I can tell you right now, the most successful MOA members are the ones who FOLLOW THE SYSTEM TO THE LETTER. No improvisation. No creativity. No skipped steps. There are paths within the program for different comfort zones and talents … … but every man who I have seen follow the protocol EXACTLY has experienced DRAMATIC improvements in their dating and social lives. I can’t think of one person who’s followed the steps and gotten NO results. Basically, if you can follow directions, you can use MOA to level up your life. Guaranteed. If that sounds worth looking into further, let’s book you a quick demo call here:
New comment 17d ago
Nothing else is like this
Before ever having met Michael, and since becoming one of the founders of MOA, I have encountered MANY “men’s communities.” They’re built around the idea of meeting more women, making more money, becoming a better man … and everyone’s trying to form a “tribe.” I have NEVER seen a tribe like MOA. In other communities there’s always sniping, infighting, scapegoating, and bullying. Sometimes the community only seems to exist to aggrandize the leader/coach/mentor who created it. MOA is the most supportive, positive community of men I have EVER encountered. By FAR. Everyone is here to help each other. There’s a true sense that “we’re all in it together.” There really are no stupid questions. That kind of culture starts at the top. Michael genuinely cares. You can see it in all of his content. He’s on fire. He’s direct, but patient – pointed, but constructive. And he doesn’t tolerate chaos, backstabbing, or BS. It’s been one of the great privileges of my life to be a part of this community, much less one of its lieutenants. If you have been looking for your tribe, I strongly suggest you check it out. Click here to book a demo of the MOA elite community and see for yourself:
New comment 20d ago
VEGAS IMMERSION 🍾 Meet Michael, Level Up FAST
Ever heard of “Vegas Immersion?” It’s the stuff of legend in the pickup community. Well, IT’S STILL GOING ON … and MOA runs it now! It’s not just about pickup … it’s about your WHOLE SOCIAL LIFE. Elite dating, elite friendships, VIP access … the works. Not only is it a chance to rub elbows with beautiful women who come from all over the world to Vegas to cut loose and make bad decisions … … it’s a chance to meet Michael. Get personalized coaching from him. Even play basketball with him 🏀 … AND get enough fire content from our team photographers – in high-status locations like the Wynn, Tivoli Village, and the Valley of Fire – to make your IG baller-level almost overnight 📸 Access to Vegas Immersion is a perk of the MOA elite community. If you want to level up your social life FAST – hotter dates, higher-status friends, etc. – this community is the fastest and most effective tool to do that. Want to see if it’s right for you? Click here to book a demo of the system:
New comment 26d ago
1-10 of 38
Grant Jordan
1,278points to level up
President of Men of Action. Changing the work by helping ambitious men build high-status social lives.

Active 8h ago
Joined Jan 22, 2023
Austin, TX
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