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Status Accelerator Call is happening in 3 days
How to skyrocket your IG engagement... new MOA addition!
Today we are releasing a new Telegram engagement group exclusively for members of this community! This automated platform will help grow your Instagram engagement by leveraging the Men of Action community. How it works: Engage with other members' posts by liking and (thoughtfully) commenting on a list of posts received from the bot. Then post your link and get the same engagement! You can do this for old and new posts on Instagram. Reels, videos, carousels, and pictures are all supported. To get started, click this link:
New comment 3d ago
Want to join the Men of Action team? We're hiring for sales positions!
Because of the recent spike in demand for Men of Action, we are expanding our sales team! Men of Action has a mission to create fulfilled men for the betterment of humanity. We’re looking for motivated A-players who want to help men live extraordinary social lives. If you’re passionate about helping men succeed, then this is perfect for you! The position is fully remote, with team offsites at our social circle events throughout the year. The team also has an incredibly fun culture. Just imagine helping guys win bigly while you're doing the same. For the positions, we are hiring both Closers and Setters, and you can expect to make $5k to $20k a month, depending on the role. For Closers: You can expect to make $10k-20k monthly when you're up to quota. Remote sales experience is required, and we call references. For Setters: You can expect to make a minimum of $5k monthly (if you hit quotas) and up to $8k. Experience is NOT required as we have a high-end sales training program. So, if you're passionate about helping men be their best selves and love sales, this position is perfect for you! You can apply for the team below:
New comment 28d ago
New Leaderboard Unlocks
We’ve added new bonuses for ranking up on the leaderboard! - Members of level 7 unlock a free 1-1 call with Michael Sartain - Members of level 8 unlock a free Vegas Immersion Bootcamp spot To achieve high rankings in Skool you need to make valuable posts and thoughtful comments to receive likes. The more likes your content generates, the faster you will level up. These are some huge unlocks. I'm excited to get to know the first person who gets a free spot at Vegas Immersion!
New comment Jun 7
How to create a high status social network in 25 days
If you’re like most career-focused men, you’ve been putting off meeting high quality women for a long time. It’s always “I’ll do that when…”, but the goal line keeps moving. This causes you to put it off indefinitely. Maybe deep down you’re avoiding taking action because you feel like you’re not good enough yet, or you need to reach some sort of material success. But did you know you can date incredible women and make like minded male friends, without any secret sauce? No need to waste money with dates from dating apps. No need to ruin your sleep going to the dive bar every weekend. No need to feel inauthentic cold approaching strangers. There’s a genuine way for you to date the women that excite you the most, and simultaneously make friends with influential men that will push you towards success. In three Fridays from now, imagine walking into an exclusive event with six jaw-dropping women. Everyone in the event wants to meet you. High status men get to know you. Women turn their head wondering who “that guy” is. The next day, your inbox is flooded with messages from women like “it was so great to meet you 😁❤️” This could be your reality in the next 25 days. This is the real result for Men of Action members, and it’s precisely why we have a special for April before the summer months. For this month only, our coaches have been instructed to perform a deep dive on your current life situation and give you direct guidance on how to build a high status social life in the next 25 days, completely for free. To work with us, our coaches must have exceptional results. They started in the same position as you, and have now built a dream social life for themselves with models and high-level connections in their city. If you want to be “that guy” who dates high-quality women and has high status male friendships, then click the link below and schedule a free coaching call with one of our coaches:
New comment May 12
Want to learn high-status networking? New (Free) Course Here!
Want to know the exact steps @Michael Sartain takes to build his elite social networks? Then here it is! We're giving away a brand new course -- High Status Networking 101. In it, Michael will explain how you can start meeting the "movers and shakers" and incredible women without yacht-loads of money or fame! To get started, watch the Introduction module here: #Introduction Enjoy! 🏆
New comment Apr 7
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Men of Action Forum
A community for learning high-status networking hosted by Michael Sartain.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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