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POV: Hitting your first $10,000/month
@Samuel Earp just hit his first $10,000/month. How did he do it? Sam has a YouTube channel, a free Skool community, and a website where he helps people paint better landscapes. He's been showing up to small group coaching with me every week for the last few months. He has a free offer, a low ticket offer, and a high ticket offer - exactly what we suggest all of our clients do. Every single week Sam improves & optimizes his business by at least 1%. His 1% improvements add up... (1% improvement per day over 100 days = 100% improvement!) Want to be like Sam & make $10,000/month? If you want to crush it like Sam, comment below with the #1 thing you're struggling with + a congrats GIF for Sam & I'll personally send you a link to overcome your struggle so you can be like Sam & hit your first 10k month ASAP. If Sam can do it, you can do it, too! Ted P.S. Congrats again, Sam!
New comment 5h ago
POV: Hitting your first $10,000/month
I've 95% Show-Up Rate (Sales Calls) 5 Years Straight...Doing This #TORValue
Hi fam, this might be for you, if you are struggling with getting people to show up to your high-ticket sales calls... ...or you just want to, well get MORE people to show up to your sales calls (for you or your sales team). And the best part? By implementing this... ...more people will show-up on calls will sell more ...increase revenue ...aaaaand ...ZERO extra ad spend needed. Yes, you are welcome! Since, so man other peopple are sharing their ninja stuff... ...I though I could provide some massive value to this community (hence the tag #TORValue). Kind of like Ted, I do a lot of strategic thinking. And the competitive edge that I have in my agency (I run the best paid performance agency in my country)... that I have strategies, methods, SOPs that noone else is using. And why is that? Because, I have freakin' created them myself. I use the contrarian mindset on most of my new strategies, basically, I always to crack the code by doing the complete opposite of the rest of the market in my niche are doing. A few years back, when all agencies, their mother, and their neighbours grand grand aunt... ...were beating their chest calling themselves for "full-service agencies" ...I though to myself. Well, noone can be the best at everything (from SEO, logo design, website design, SoME organic, email marketing, PR and communication, video production, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) So, I will do the complete opposite. I will just stick to becoming world-class at lead generation at SCALE on only 2 channels: Google ads Facebook / Instgram Ads (And it seems that I have cracked the code lately on LinkedIn ads as well) When I made that choice about 3 years ago, I thought to myself "I'm either totally insane or a genius". Fortunately, it worked out. It actually worked out so well... ...that other agencies are reaching out to me when they need help delivering results to their clients. Helping agency owners to scale their client delivery.
New comment 16h ago
I've 95% Show-Up Rate (Sales Calls) 5 Years Straight...Doing This #TORValue
New High-Ticket Recurring Model - Win Skool Games #TORmentary Day 2
Hi awesome peeps, this is my second day of reporting how I am going to win the Skool Games and meet Alex Hormozi and Sam Ovens. So Alex is talking a lot about the different ways to hit $10,000 / month in recurring revenue with Skool a group (MRR). I create a new mental model (and framework) that I call... ...WAIT FOR IT ...wait some more (okay, enough waiting) ..."The Recurring Waterfall"-Framework It will give you the ability to have... ...not 1 ...not 2 ...not 3 ...BUT 4 ...separate income streams the same Skool group ...where each of them can earn at least $10,000 / month. I don't know about you, but I kinda like those odds. Okay, I will not drag this out any further. I recorded a loom video, and yeah... ...I am sharing it all. You are allowed to implement this framework, but remember... heard it from me first. Let me know if you have any questions, and I will answer them as well as I can. You guys are awesome. Let's crush this together! Best, Tor P.S. Why do I call my journaling towards winning The Skool Games #TORmentary? Well, my name is Tor, and it's a documentary. So, in other words TORmentary. In addition, it's a TORment to do... ...and it's also a TORment on my future business goals NOT to do. P.P.S Yeah, I do consider my day 1 as a win, because I took massive action!
New High-Ticket Recurring Model - Win Skool Games #TORmentary Day 2
Shout Out to Saki and his team at
Hello Everyone! I can officially post on here since I leveled up.πŸ’ͺ I just want to come on here and thank Sati Singh for his coaching during our initial zoom call. He was more than helpful in the beginning steps of building my Sales Training Skool Community. I have another zoom call tomorrow and will further enhance my community to success. I am excited for the days when my community hits the numbers that I know it can. Not just for the money but for the benefits of what I can provide to those in need of closing transactions. While I want to get everything done right away, it does take patience. So, my courses that are already completed will be uploaded shortly. I just need to follow the blue print and be sure not to just throw up information all over the place without any organization.
Ninja Strategy On How To Win The Skool Games And Meet Alex Hormozi #TORmentary Day 1
Hi awesome peeps, since you are all sharing your ninja stuff. I thought, that I will do the same. Here is my ninja strategy on how I will... ...WIN the Skool Games ...and meet Alex Hormozi. After spending over $350,000 learning from the best marketers in the world over the last 10 years... of my secret weapons always become the top student ...if I DECIDED too ...was to take ...MASSIVE ...FREAKIN' ...ACTION ...RELENTLESSLY ...and CONSISTENTLY. For how long? FOREVER. Until I achieved my goal. So, I will do the same here. I will push myself. Every single day. And, I will be documenting about it here. Why? #1. Because it will hold me accountable to my plan (yeah, I admit it) #2. It will be awesome to look back at all the stuff that I did on my way to winning the Skool Games #3. Well, it might be useful for you to see how I am going through this journey. I recorded a loom video, where I talk more about my strategy on how to win. Let me know if you have any questions, and I will answer them as well as I can. You guys are awesome. Let's crush this together! Best, Tor P.S. Why do I call my journaling towards winning The Skool Games #TORmentary? Well, my name is Tor, and it's a documentary. So, in other words TORmentary. In addition, it's a TORment to do... ...and it's also a TORment on my future business goals NOT to do. P.P.S Yeah, I do consider my day 1 as a win, because I took massive action! P.P.P.S This video and post were created yesterday, so you will posting a new video later today "Day 2", since it's actually day 2. Just being totally transparent about that :)
Ninja Strategy On How To Win The Skool Games And Meet Alex Hormozi #TORmentary Day 1
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Make more MRR with your Skool community & hit that $10,000/month milestone ASAP with our Skool Community Growth Blueprint. This community is free πŸ₯³
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