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do you know how to activate the cat?
New comment 29m ago
do you know how to activate the cat?
How can I improve my storytelling?
Hey everyone, Recently I’ve been reflecting on my content and feel the need to improve my storytelling to increase my conversion rates. What are your guys’ recommendations, audiobooks, books, etc., for developing my storytelling skills? If you also have any suggested tips or practices to keep in mind while storytelling I am also all ears to hear. Thank you! May we all achieve greater success in our lives!
New comment 2d ago
Landing page while clarifying & developing?
Hey y'all, I'm new to the community & building my biz. Is it recommended to make a landing page just to have something, before I'm committed to a website? (Then I can have some info available & a link or two while I'm taking beta clients.) Thanks for any advice or recommendations! 🤍
New comment 2d ago
How should I build a $15k/mo+ Course w/out overcomplicating it?
What steps would you take from 0 to 6 months to achieve $15,000 to $30,000 a month, given my goals & desires? Context: - I have a 75% completed course on LinkedIn Branding for Recruiting Biz Owners - Currently beta testing the course by offering free calls to friends in the industry in exchange for referrals, reviews, and feedback.  Goals: - Only sell organically through LinkedIn - Price around $1,497 - Goal - $15k - $30k/mo - Lifestyle business Avoid: - Overcomplicating things. - Paid ads - Sales or coaching calls. - Community (at least for now). - Newsletters Thanks everyone!
New comment 2d ago
Which thumbnail would you click on?
I hesitate between these 2 templates. One looks more pretty in my opinion. But the interview screenshot may look more authentic too. And many of my top videos are actually a screenshot of the interview, with text over. Anyway, which thumbnail would you be more likely to click on? Thanks for the help guys 🙏❤️💫
New comment 3d ago
Which thumbnail would you click on?
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