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Copy Club

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Copy Club is for skool owners who want to learn how to write copy that connects with their audience and converts them into loyal members.



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How do you actually go viral on Instagram and TikTok organically? (I gave up on Youtube :)
Before we get into the juicy details, let me ask you a question: How do you go viral on Instagram and TikTok organically? Seriously, I want to know. Drop your answers in the comments below and let’s start a conversation. Maybe you have some secret tricks that I don’t know about. Maybe you have some questions that I can answer. Maybe you just want to say hi and compliment my amazing writing skills. Whatever it is, I’m all ears. But don’t leave me hanging here. I’m not going to give you all the answers without hearing from you first. That would be like giving away candy for free on Halloween. Wait, bad analogy. Scratch that. Anyway, here are some of the tips that I’ve learned from researching the web and watching some of the most successful creators on these platforms. You can thank me later. Tip #1: Be Yourself (No, Really) I know, I know. This sounds like the most cliché advice ever. But trust me, it works. People can smell fakeness from a mile away, especially on social media. If you’re trying to copy someone else’s style, voice, or personality, you’re not going to stand out from the crowd. Instead, you need to embrace your own uniqueness and show it off to the world. What makes you different? What makes you interesting? What makes you funny? Find your niche and own it. Tip #2: Start a Series One of the best ways to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more is to create a series of related videos that follow a theme, format, or storyline. This way, you can build anticipation, suspense, and loyalty among your viewers. Tip #3: Engage Your Community Another way to go viral on Instagram and TikTok organically is to engage your community and make them feel like they’re part of your journey. You can do this by asking questions, responding to comments, shouting out fans, collaborating with other creators, or creating challenges or contests. Tip #4: Create Original Content This may seem obvious, but it’s worth repeating: if you want to go viral on Instagram and TikTok organically, you need to create original content that hasn’t been done before. Or at least put your own spin on it.
New comment Jan 26
 How do you actually go viral on Instagram and TikTok organically? (I gave up on Youtube :)
VSL Masterclass Inside: How We Scripted & Directed Our ‘Great Gatsby’ VSL 👇
Happy Tuesday Ad Men... And it’s a ‘happy’ Tuesday not only because we’re alive and breathing, doing what we love, and sharing knowledge with hungry marketers & business owners like you are… …It’s a ‘happy’ Tuesday because we just finished editing what could be, in our opinion, a BEFORE and AFTER for the online education industry. And this is… ‘The Ad Men Mastermind Movie’ 🎥 And yeah… We call it a movie, and not a VSL, for two simple reasons: Reason #1: Because it’s intended to ‘hide’ a sales process with movie-like, Spielberg style storyline, scripting, and a mix of emotion and brand values that we KNOW people like you will love… But, most importantly… Because it’s fun to watch, and it does NOT resemble the standard “free-training” VSLs everyone and their moms launch and wonder why about 1% of people stay to watch the entire thing. And that was Reason #2. So, let’s bring it back a little bit to explain why we did what we did… As you may know, Brian, we don’t just work in a DFY market. We’re not just in the “people management” business. We don’t just create ads that sell like a Florida snow cone on a hot summer’s day.We create ASSETS.And we take pride in our craft.… That’s why we decided to launch a Mastermind… …But not JUST a Mastermind… …We created something that resembles our core values, which are all connected with personal development, constant self-improvement, and world-class delivery of our expertise… …So we could ‘spread’ this contagious hunger we all have at with a select group of Young Marketers, Business Owners, Coaches, and Consultants… …Allowing them to create brag-worthy YouTube Ads people LOVE watching and produce PREMIUM leads for bargain prices. So, needless to say, a cut and paste VSL wouldn’t make the ‘cut’ this time. (No shade on our FB Ads Basket VSL, which IS a total banger…) That’s why we took things a bit further this time… And created a real MOVIE, hiding the sales process well enough to make 7 minutes feel like 2 minutes of watching something you can actually enjoy.
New comment Aug '23
VSL Masterclass Inside: How We Scripted & Directed Our ‘Great Gatsby’ VSL 👇
2 likes • Aug '23
I watched your VSL Masterclass and I have to say, I was blown away by your creativity and production value. You really made a movie out of a sales pitch! That’s impressive. And the yacht? Wow. That’s some Great Gatsby level of extravagance. I hope you didn’t sink it like Leo did. But seriously, you did a great job of hooking me in with your story, your authority, and your offer.
Hey, you. Stop what you’re doing and pay attention. Because I’m about to share something that will blow your mind. I'm Tiffany Callahan, and I'm an expert writer. No, not the kind who writes books or movies or TV shows. Although, I do have a few ideas for those too. But that's not important right now. What's important is that I write YouTube ads that make people click, watch, and buy. But I wasn’t always one. I used to suck at writing. Big time. Well how do I do it? Well, it's not magic. It's not luck. And it's definitely not boring generic advice that you can find anywhere on the internet. It's a combination of skill, creativity, and humor. Yes, humor. Because humor is the secret sauce that makes your ads stand out from the crowd. Think about it. How many YouTube ads have you seen that are dull, dry, and downright annoying? How many times have you skipped them as soon as you could? How many times have you wished they would just go away? Now, how many YouTube ads have you seen that are funny, engaging, and entertaining? How many times have you watched them till the end? How many times have you laughed out loud or smiled or nodded along? How many times have you clicked on the link or visited the website or bought the product? I'm guessing the second group is much smaller than the first. But that's where the opportunity lies. Because if you can make your audience laugh, you can make them listen. And if you can make them listen, you can make them act. So how do you write a funny YouTube ads script that converts? Well, there are a few tricks that I use and that I'm going to share with you today. But before I do, let me warn you: this is not for the faint of heart. This is not for the timid or the shy or the easily offended. This is for the bold and the brave and the badass. This is for the copy kooks who want to rock their YouTube ads and make a killing. Are you ready? Then let's get started! Tip #1: Know your audience The first thing you need to do before you write anything is to know who you're writing for. Who is your ideal customer? What are their pain points, desires, fears, and dreams? What are their hobbies, interests, passions, and quirks? What are their demographics, psychographics, and behavioristics?
New comment Jul '23
2 likes • Jul '23
@Christine Kaczmar sure thing Christine thanks for reading.
2 likes • Jul '23
@Christine Kaczmar about a day. It was more of a side project
1-3 of 3
Tiffany Callahan
45points to level up
Words are my superpower. I built a 7-figure agencies with them. Now I help businesses grow with them. Want in? DM “Wordy” and let’s chat.

Active 6d ago
Joined Jul 11, 2023
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