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Created by Ted (Free)

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38 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
Just spent the day with Alex Hormozi & Andrew Kirby
And I learned A LOT. Meeting up IRL with fellow synthesizers inspired me to make this video. Can't wait to do it again!
New comment 5d ago
Just spent the day with Alex Hormozi & Andrew Kirby
1 like โ€ข Apr 19
@Naomi Ogbonna
1 like โ€ข Apr 19
@Tran Manh Duc ๐Ÿฅ‚ thank you sir.
YouTube Thumbnail Designer Needed!
We are looking for a thumbnail designer who can help us take our YouTube thumbnails to the next level. Here's our channel: Looking for someone who would get to know us and our channel, watch the videos, collaborate on ideas and produce some good work. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please click on the Google form linked below and submit your information. Or pass it along to someone you know might be interested. After we have received the submissions, we will select 3 people to complete a paid test project. Please let me know if you have any questions. CLICK HERE TO APPLY
New comment Apr 16
1 like โ€ข Apr 16
I'll pass this along to someone I know :)
Funniest moment of my life
New comment Mar 1
Funniest moment of my life
4 likes โ€ข Feb 27
@Andrew Kirby sam's reaction
2 likes โ€ข Feb 27
he felt the pain
Synthesizer Accelerator
ACCESS INSTRUCTIONS: To everyone who has access, you can find the Rapid Progress Protocol and Synthesizer Accelerator here --- ORIGINAL POST: Feel like you're not making progress in monetization/audience-growth as quickly as you'd like to? Enter: Synthesizer Accelerator (1 90min GROUP coaching call with me. You ask me whatever you want, I help you solve your problems and help you progress. It's group coaching, so you'll be able to hear everyone else's questions. Ask whatever you want... monetization, audience growth, synthesizing etc.) Price: $3 Free bonuses: 1. Diary of a Synthesizer (1 Loom video sharing what I've been working on, and some income generating opps I see) 2. Rapid Progress Protocol (Video of me explaining my best progress-making framework, which helped me make $1,000,000+) Why I'm making this: It feels like I've lost connection with Synthesizer School's most engaged members. This is a way for me to directly help the most engaged members of this community through a Zoom call where I can answer your questions. And a Loom video to share what I've been up to. This will be an experiment, please don't expect it to continue forever, or be frustrated if I only do one call. Timing: - This offer will be available for 48 hours - The first group call will be on the 22nd of December, to define your strategy for the new year. - The first Diary of a Synthesizer will be in the early new year, to share my strategy for the new year - The Rapid Progress Protocol will be available upon purchase (when we manually grant you access) How to join (VIDEO TUTORIAL): 1. Leave the Synthesizer School community (click settings, leave group) 2. When you rejoin, you'll see there's a $3/month option 3. Pay that 4. We'll manually grant you access to Synthesizer Accelerator within 24 hours 5. Cancel anytime in Skool settings
New comment Jun 5
Synthesizer Accelerator
5 likes โ€ข Dec '23
I've paid you $10,000 before... what's another $3? I'M IN!
The Synthesizing Method of The Highest Paid Copywriter in the World
Eugene Schwartz, an epic synthesizer, once got paid $50,000,000 (FIFTY MILLION) to write a textbook on natural health. Imagine getting paid 50 MIL to write a book?! And in 1966, he wrote a book called โ€œBreakthrough Advertising" which is now widely regarded as the 'holy grail' of copywriting books. So how did Eugene Schwartz (one of the highest paid synthesizers to ever live) become such a great writer? He did two things - a lot: He read and he wrote. When he read, he read things that interested him. And when he wrote, he wrote about things that interested him. But he did so with structure... He always wrote using something called the "The 33 Minute Rule." Here's how: Every morning Schwartz would chose ONE topic he wanted to work on that he knew would require a lot of focus and concentration. He then turned off all notifications & unplugged his phone. Anything that could distract him (like his dog) was in a separate room. He then set a timer for 33 minutes and 33 seconds. For those 33 minutes and 33 seconds, Schwartz only allowed himself to do two things: 1) Stare at the page. 2) Write on the page. NOTHING ELSE. He said, "I would often get so bored of staring at the page, that after a couple of minutes I would just write to overcome the boredom." "But once I began writing, I began flowing, and it was effortless." And once the timer went off, whether he was in flow state of not, Schwartz took a mandatory 5 minute break. During this forced break, Schwartz deliberately took his mind off writing completely by playing with his dog, making a cup of coffee, speaking with a friend, stretching, or using the men's room. After his 5 minute break, Schwartz would reset the timer for another 33 minutes and 33 seconds and return to either: Staring at the page Or Writing more. Schwartz said he would go on to repeat this 33minute/5min process until 4-5 hours had elapsed. The rest of his day he took off work and just lived his life how he wished. If you want to become one of the best, and highest paid synthesizers you know...
New comment 17d ago
The Synthesizing Method of The Highest Paid Copywriter in the World
1 like โ€ข Sep '23
@Alan Paul yep!
0 likes โ€ข Nov '23
@Zac Mason ๐Ÿฅ‚ thank you!
1-10 of 38
Ted Carr
147points to level up
Skool investor. I help Skool users (for free) set up & grow profitable Skool communities from scratch. DM me 'SKOOL' & I'll help you get set up & grow

Active 53m ago
Joined Apr 10, 2024
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