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Want results like Pacha? ($10,000+/month ASAP) ⭐️
Pacha was not where she wanted to be financially. She was unclear on her offer and didn't know which niche to focus on. But instead of signing up to work with me, she thought: "I'm not good enough to work with Ted yet." So she stayed unclear on her offer... Stayed confused about her niche... Stayed stuck. But then she got SICK & TIRED of wasting time trying to figure out everything on her own. She bucked up and booked a call with my COO Benny to find out more about our program. (Here's the link she used.) She was surprised by how affordable it was to work together privately. A few days later she decided to sign up for "The Family," one of my private mentorship programs where she gets direct access to me + my COO, Benny. The first thing I did with her was get her clear on her offer. Second thing I did was show her how to sell it. Benny assisted her with everything in between. Within 30 days, she made $24,000 USD by following our exact advice 🥳 🏆 Want results like Pacha? Even if you only want to make $5,000 - $10,000/month, here's what you'll need: - An irresistible high ticket offer. - A niche to sell it to. - Clear messaging that gets people to want to buy it. - The ability to deliver on your offer. - Someone in your corner giving you feedback & course correction every step of the way. - Someone in your corner to break your limiting beliefs along the way. Now if you want some help with all of the above (the same help Pacha received), here's what to do: Step 1: Book a free call with me/my expert team of coaches to see if working together with me makes sense for you right now. Here's the link to chat with us about what you've got going on: Step 2: Show up to the call. On the call, you're not allowed to buy anything from us. This call is purely to see if we can help you get to $10,000/month and for us to point you in the right direction of your next step.
New comment 2d ago
Want results like Pacha? ($10,000+/month ASAP) ⭐️
6 likes • Jun 14
Good work Pacha!
My YouTube coach is going to coach YOU
My YouTube coach @Kai Nemzer has been obsessively studying YouTube since he was 14... he's 20 now and knows more about YouTube than 99.9% of all the YouTubers. He also has 1.5 BILLION Views and 2 MILLION Subscribers. I asked him to coach you this Thursday (May 23rd) and teach you everything you need to know to crush it on YouTube, too. Kai can help you get at least 20,000 views per video so your client acquisition flow can look like this: YouTube --> Link in Description --> Money. If you want to make simple YouTube videos that perform extremely well, this live workshop is for you. You must register here:
New comment Jun 15
My YouTube coach is going to coach YOU
2 likes • Jun 12
@Patty Dominguez
Vancouver, Canada. In Person Mastermind. June 23.
Want to be in a room full of smart, successful people who take business seriously? I'm hosting an in person mastermind in Vancouver, Canada for 21 people on June 23rd. During the mastermind I'll spend 6 hours destroying all of your biggest problems in business and get you crystal clear on your top 3 priorities. The last mastermind we did was INSANELY powerful. Want to come to this next one on June 23? Comment below with a "ME" if you want to come 👇 Price: $1,997 or free if you're a member of Contentpreneurs, VIP Academy, or The Family. 21 people only. 10am to 4pm. Food & drinks provided. Potential after party included... 🎉 Comment below with a "ME" if you want to come 👇 We'll DM you with deets if we think you'd be a good fit.
New comment Jun 19
Vancouver, Canada. In Person Mastermind. June 23.
1 like • Jun 5
@Kirt S @Krisina Piscopo @Nicole Gallucci y'all coming? 👀
Last week or two I posted my accomplishment….Now I’m 7 members way from 50 🔥📈🆙💐! Consistency, value and time got me to this point….TIME TO GO EVEN HARDER! (I even hired someone to help improve my skool so my members get MAX BENEFIT AND VALUE) KEEP GOING YALL ITS WORTH IT! 🔥📈🆙
New comment Apr 27
2 likes • Apr 24
Shoutout Sati
@Sati Singh helped me set up my skool account and provided so much value in the time we spent together. He was a great help and I wanted to share my appreciation!
New comment Feb 4
0 likes • Feb 4
It was an absolute pleasure! 👊🏽
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Sati Singh
9points to level up

Active 4h ago
Joined Jun 15, 2023
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