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Facilitator Club

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Automation Incubator™

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Design Sprint Masters

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232 contributions to Facilitator Club
What is your go-to tool to quiet a room?
I'm curious what y'all use to bring silence back to a room (e.g. after a breakout discussion)? With the first program I was trained to facilitate (Search Inside Yourself) we used a singing bowl like the pic attached. Works like a charm, but definitely has a mindfulness vibe and isn't perfect for every setting. Are there are tools, techniques, etc. that you've found work well?
New comment 13d ago
What is your go-to tool to quiet a room?
4 likes • Feb '23
My tool is the word « Peace » if someone is breaking the rule of silence I say the magic word and silence is back 😉 @Connor Swenson
1 like • 13d
@Hassanein Ismail It's used when silence is mandatory for an exercise 😉
Workplace free of racism and fascism
Over the past few weeks, I have been involved in several workshops on creating an inclusive and equitable workplace, as fascism is on the rise in our societies. Racism, both overt and subtle, can create a hostile environment and hinder productivity. As facilitators, we can play a key role in encouraging open dialogue and guiding organisations towards positive change. Here's my guide to help you facilitate on inclusivity and racism in the workplace : 1 Opening : acknowledge the discomfort that racism can cause and the importance of creating a safe space for open dialogue Establish ground rules for respectful communication, such as active listening and avoiding interruptions. 2 Understanding racism by defining racism : Facilitate a discussion on the definition of racism, including systemic and individual forms Microaggressions : explore the concept of microaggressions and their impact in the workplace. Sharing experiences : encourage participants to share personal or witnessed experiences of racism (optional), but provide a safe space for those who do not wish to share. 3 The individual and organisational impact of racism Individual Impact : discuss the emotional and professional toll that racism takes on employees of colour. Organisational Impact : explore how racism hinders corporate culture, innovation and employee retention. 4 Building an anti-racist workplace with actionable strategies and accountability measures Brainstorm specific actions to create a more inclusive environment, including unconscious bias training, diversifying hiring practices, and establishing a clear reporting process for racist incidents. Discuss how to hold organisations and individuals accountable for creating a safe and inclusive workplace. 5 Moving forward Resource sharing : provide participants with resources such as anti-racist training materials, diversity and inclusion toolkits, and support groups. Commitment to action : encourage participants to create personal action plans to combat racism in their work environment.
Behavioral Styles Workshop excersises
Dear Community I am planning a workshop around behavioral styles and looking for some fun and engaging exercises to do with the participants around that topic (ca.20 leaders) . The important part is the external view, as in, how do others perceive us in terms of our behavioral style. Which category of 4 different behavioral styles (similar to the DISC) would others place us in. Maybe I will find some inspiration here :) Thank you all!
New comment 23d ago
1 like • May 15
Hi @Yaara Kaminer you should try an activity where participants analyze scenarios and predict behavioral styles colleagues would exhibit. This will help them identify their own perceived style through external lens 😄
1 like • 24d
@Yaara Kaminer Welcome let me know how you put it in place
Need Help with Creative Ad Campaigns
Hello Everyone! 👋 I have a question about getting a "Go-To" session that I can use within the advertising agency I work in. I run a lot of "traditional" workshopping sessions, I am more and more being asked to lead workshops to create fresh ideas, drive decisions and create the foundations of campaigns. In most scenarios, I am asked to craft a workshop/sprint to generate advertising campaign ideas with usually 3 to 4 hours in an afternoon or a morning... so, not a lot of time... more "Burst" than "Sprint"! Would love to know from the incredible minds here if you've experienced, or run, these kinds of sessions, and if so, what would you recommend as steps / direction for a "Burst" session with internal creative teams, strategists, and (sometimes) clients? Is there an AJ&Smart Exercise or Recipe that can be my Holy Grail? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
New comment 1d ago
4 likes • Jun 22
Hey @Art Stiefel here's what i suggest for a burst session : -Pre-Burst : collect campaign background and client goals beforehand. -Warm-up : start with an energizer to break the ice & spark creativity (e.g., quick Pictionary using campaign keywords) -Rapid reframing : challenge teams to see the problem from different angles using techniques like "worst idea first" or "future forecasting." -Idea blitz : facilitate a fast-paced brainstorming session with clear guidelines (e.g., "3 ideas per minute, focus on benefits") -Rapid prototyping : encourage teams to quickly sketch or build rough prototypes of their top ideas. -Lightning round : each team presents their prototype, receiving quick feedback and building on each other's ideas. -Wrap-up : briefly summarize key takeaways and next steps. Try to apply appropriate time for each exercise, let me know if this helps 😉
2 likes • 24d
@Art Stiefel Welcome hope it went well 🤙🏼
How do you pitch yourself, if not as a workshopper?
Hello all! I am a new workshop facilitator but experienced presenter and speaker. I've been on the lookout for part-time workshop facilitator roles and haven't had much luck. Additionally, I've tried pitching myself to nonprofit organizations for a pro bono workshop in exchange for experience, feedback, and a testimonial, but again, not much interest. It then dawned on me that people likely don't know what a workshop is and why they need it, and perhaps I need to change my title/service and sell a product or outcome, versus simply selling a "workshop." Those who are professional workshoppers, I would very much appreciate some insight on what you actually sell to clients, if not a "workshop." Additionally, if anyone knows of any charities or nonprofits that could use a pro bono workshop, please let me know!
New comment Jun 21
1 like • Jun 20
Hi @L H i don't really pitch myself : i listen to people or the organization i would like to work with to understand if i'm able to help and then i specify what i can do for them 😄
1-10 of 232
Salah Bouchma
1,463points to level up
I'm passionate about helping organisations achieve exponential impact through effective leadership and positive culture using design thinking 🤗

Active 9d ago
Joined Jan 23, 2023
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