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Hi everyone, Design Sprint Masters is an exclusive community of practice for facilitators interested in facilitating design sprints and problem-framing workshops. Here you can: ✅ Interact and exchange experiences with fellow facilitators ✅ Ask your burning questions and get community help ✅ Talk about design sprints, problem framing, and all things facilitation ✅ Talk about how to run these workshops inside organizations ✅ Access to the DSA Team and one monthly coaching call with one of our experts To make this a worthwhile experience, we encourage everyone to participate actively. Ask questions, start conversations and share your experience. But first things first, introduce yourself using the following template: 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Hi, my name is ......, I’m from ......., and I work as/for/with ...... I bring these things to the community... I want to get these things from the community... For fun, I like to... We’re thrilled to have you here and hope you will get lots of value from the community and have some fun doing it. Yours, DSA Team ❤️
New comment Feb 5
Welcome! 🏁 Start here ...
Are Design Sprints Failing Designers?
Design Sprints - overrated for designers? We were just debating this at the Academy, and John Vetan wrote a whole article on why they might be failing the early adopters: Designers. What do you think?
New comment Jun 13
Are Design Sprints Failing Designers?
How do you keep your memory sharp?
Do you feel like your 🧠 brain turns to mush during a long workshop? Juggling new faces, complex problems, and tons of information can be overwhelming for a facilitator. Here's my new article for memory hacks. What do you think? Any memory hack you would like to add to the list?
How do you keep your memory sharp?
Hey it’s Salah from France
Hi all I hope you’re fine, really happy to be in the community and can’t wait to share with the members 🙏🏻 I'm a facilitator based in France
Introducing a new framework inspired by the Product Market Fit Cycle - Carlos Eduardo Espinal, that focuses on creating customer-centric value propositions for Product Managers or Innovation Managers. Here's a breakdown of our framework: 🏁 Goal/Need: This initial step could be a specific business need, a broader north star goal, or even just an initial idea. 1. Product Hypothesis: Leveraging your understanding of the problem, business context, and past experiences, you develop a solution proposition – the hypothesis of what your product will be. 2. Ideal Target Segment: Here, data and analysis come into play. You refine your target customer segment to a specific group with the highest potential to benefit from your product hypothesis. 3. Problem Framing: This stage involves getting key stakeholders on board. Together, you define the specific problems your target segment faces, prioritize them, and identify the most crucial one your product will address. 4. Define the Value Proposition & Validate with Customers: This is where the Design Sprint happens. You rapidly create a prototype, present it to real users within your ideal target segment, and gather feedback. This stage validates whether your proposed solution (value proposition) actually solves their core problem effectively. 5. Analyze Results: You then assess the feedback from the design sprint. If there's early validation from customers – meaning they find your solution desirable and addresses their needs – you can move forward. ↗ Create Business Case: With positive validation, you can build a business case that justifies the resources needed to bring your product to market. ↘ Go Back & Iterate: With no customer validation, you'll investigate more about the root cause of the problem. Was you hypothesis wrong? Was your target customer segment wrong? or Both?
New comment Mar 29
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Design Sprint Masters
A place for facilitators to share tips and experiences on design sprints, problem-framing, and design thinking workshops.
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