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4 contributions to Facilitator Club
Healthy criticism on Design sprints. Thoughts?
After facilitating design sprints within a corporate environment along with my work as a UX designer I've made the switch and started my own design sprint agency. Today I had an interesting conversation with someone about Design sprints and Design thinking. He just read the following article: I feel it has some good points. Mostly around the implementation phase where the facilitator (or facilitating agency) is not really involved and the company has to figure it out themselves. Maybe the aftercare needs a bit more than just a report with a few recommendations. Should we be doing more? I was wondering wat the community thinks about this. So.... what are your thoughts?
New comment May '23
1 like • Feb '23
@David Newman Thanks for you thoughts! Yeah I agree that it should be seen as part of a larger system. I also think that that should be transparent from the start. I'm sure there are cases where it is sold als "the solution" and after the sprint your'e done. So transparency and honesty is key. I like the idea of the continuing support, with some coaching construction. Very interesting. Great tip. Going to think on that for my own propositions and what that could mean for my future clients. Do you have like a coaching strategy? Or is it more catered to the specific needs of each company?
0 likes • May '23
@Serena Snoad I totally agree with this, thanks for the input. If it’s used as a plaster it won’t hold 🤷🏼‍♀️
Who is interested in a meetup in the Netherlands 🇳🇱 in the near future?
Who would like to meet somewhere in the Netherlands in the spring? I think it would be nice to meet up with anyone who would like to chat and exchange experiences with a group of people. Let me know in the comments and I'll post a poll with some options for a day and location 🤓.
New comment May '23
0 likes • Jan '23
Sounds cool! Also interested!
0 likes • May '23
Heb me ook aangemeld! Leuk 🙂 Ik was even benieuwd wat mensen doen met avondeten? Zijn er meer mensen die niet uit Amsterdam komen en die nog vantevoren moeten eten? Of bestellen we tijdens de meetup wat pizza’s?
What kind of facilitation do you do?
I'm curious to know what kind of facilitation everyone does...? While I recognise that Facilitation Skills/ Principles apply across all types of facilitation, I've seen a lot of posts/comments around Design Thinking, Design Sprints, UX... Apart from supporting facilitators to hone their craft, I do a lot of facilitation in the Community Engagement / Social Impact space. Strategic Planning, Community Consultation, Partnership Brokering... that kind of thing. I'm keen to see the breadth of facilitation that's in this community.
New comment Oct '23
4 likes • Jan '23
Cool to read that you facilitate mostly in the social impact / community engagement space! I’ve mostly got experience with design sprints and workshops in the UX/product development space in house. But have recently decided to start a company (for now of one haha) to facilitate more on a consultant basis. This wil both be for product/ux problems but also for social impact (DEI). That last one is a bit new for me so maybe you have some tips for that? I really hope to help companies become more diverse and inclusive so looking around and researching for the best ways to help. Thanks!
📍Where is everyone from?📍
Hello Facilitators👋 I'm really curious about where everyone is from. I'd love to make this a mega post where we can see how diverse the Facilitator Club community is. Who knows, you might find a lot more people in your area than you thought! Once I have lots of answers on this post, I want to make a nice graph!
New comment 8d ago
📍Where is everyone from?📍
3 likes • Jan '23
The Netherlands 👋 🇳🇱
1-4 of 4
Nadine Niehaus
10points to level up
Workshop facilitator at Sprint Lab 🧪

Active 18d ago
Joined Jan 24, 2023
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