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Facilitator Club

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75 contributions to Facilitator Club
What are your top tips for setting yourself up as a freelance workshopper?
One of the great things about what we do is you can do it as an employee or go out and become your own company. Whilst the later comes with amazing benefits there are a lot of areas that need to be considers… Like - What does it take to set myself up as a business or do I just contract in. - If I am setting myself up as a business am I a sole trader.. registering by business - Defining your purpose and setting clear goals yearly, quarterly - Defining your target customers, products, services and financials. Whilst this is a passion space for a lot of us, you still need to understand your revenue needs. - Branding and marketing - What do you need to set yourself up… physically, technology - Contracts for engagements - How to build a pipeline, managing you customer base Making sure you get work life balance! Would be interested in hearing and learning from each other on what made sense for you and what you would like to share with the rest of the community…
New comment May 17
0 likes • Jun '23
@Autumn Pollock sorry for the ridiculously slow reply. I've been MIA. All sent through now.
1 like • Oct '23
Sorry guys---I've been MIA for a few months and see there's a tooooooooonne of people wanting the template (who knew it would be so popular). I've completely lost track of who I've sent what to. Sooooo....if you want a copy of the template, please DM me--that way I can see who I have missed. Thanks!
Give-Gets workshop! An exercise on trading.
Hi team, I am struggling to structure a workshop. And there must be an obvious solution, but I am afraid my facilitation knowledge is lacking a bit. 😅 Purpose: Sales team is looking to create a list of trading options that leads to Win-Win outcomes that can be used to negotiate deals instead of giving price concessions. Desired outcome: - A list of "GIVES": potential asks that could come from a future customer (think: discounts, free shipping, change in payment term, ...) - A list of "GETS" that the Sales team can ask in return (think: upfront payment, signature by the end of the week, providing a case study/reference call...) - A way to map the above in terms of importance or weight so the team knows what to trade (think: You wouldnt give a heavy discount in exchange for having a deal closed 1 day earlier) The underlying goals: - Increase the ticket price - Faster time to close - (there could be more but unknown) Some details: - The team that will be using the outcome consists of about 40-50 people (and preferably they all participate in this workshop); 7 of those are team leads/managers - The experience level is very diverse from 0 - 10 years in a similar position - The session should be fully remote - I have the chance to have someone co-facilitating this workshop My question to you: - Is there an engaging workshop exercise that comes to mind to find out all possible Gives, Gets and a way to map those? - How would you handle such a big group remotely? Do separate sessions with each? Or would you advice to nly involve the managers and then train the team on the outcome? - Additional points for having a way to practice and reinforce the use of these give-gets!
New comment Jun '23
0 likes • Apr '23
@Renko P. How much time do you have?
0 likes • Jun '23
@Renko P. sorry I disappeared from the platform for awhile. have you begun work on this project? How is it going?
Running fully inclusive sessions - tips?
I'm curious to hear how many of you run sessions (remote and in-person) with a fully inclusive audience, eg including those with accessibility or inclusion requirements? What are your challenges and tips when creating and facilitating such sessions to ensure everyone can engage? Especially when tools such as Miro/Mural/Figjam etc are not very accessible, what are you turning too?
New comment Apr '23
4 likes • Apr '23
I believe that facilitators are becoming more aware of what's required to make a workshop inclusive and accessible, but there is always a challenge in that what makes something inclusive for one person, can have the opposite effect for others. For example, recently we were discussing the cameras-on requirement for online workshops. While some people find it challenging to participate with their cameras on, others find it challenging (or psycholgically unsafe) to participate when they can't see who is on the other end of the screen. Finding balance for everyone is an ongoing challenge.
1 like • Apr '23
@Amanda Perkins yes!!! When thinking about making a workshop inclusive, it's about looking at it as a whole--not just as individual exercises. Each activity is going to suit some people over others (for all sorts of reasons), so it's about scaffolding exercises so that everyone is included along the way. Setting expectations about honoring each activity and allowing others to fully particpate (even if you can't, won't or choose not to) is so important. Silent work is so important to protect. Great share!
Handling Disruptive Participants
Curious to know what tactics you use to handle disruptive participants in a workshop you are facilitating? (I have a more specific case described below).
New comment Apr '23
0 likes • Apr '23
@Lorne Mitchell and the person walking out is.....? It sounds like there is a much bigger issue than budget cuts. There's some leadership issues that need to be addressed at a whole other level...Good luck!
0 likes • Apr '23
@Lorne Mitchell I'm also wondering what the purpose of the workshop is? If the cuts are going ahead anyway, it's not about finding alignment....?
Thoughts on recording live sessions (do you charge extra $$)
Hey FC community, For those who deliver more content-focused sessions*, how do you respond to clients asking to record the sessions for anyone to view it after? To me, it's definitely added value for the client, so I prefer to add a recording fee. I've been doing 10-20% extra depending on the ask, but I still feel uncertain of the right way to approach this. One thing I know is that almost nobody at these big companies will actually watch the recording (lol) so it doesn't matter *that much* but it certainly gives the client an asset that they could theoretically use again and again, so it seems like there should be a price tag attached. Curious to hear! *For a pure facilitated workshop, I'd be less concerned about charging as only a small number of people would probably want to watch that session after. But when it's a lecture/class/keynote it feels different...correct me if I'm wrong!
New comment Apr '23
3 likes • Apr '23
It absolutely has value--how much values depends on the situation. You might also want to have a conversation about IP. If you are recording the session, can you use that in other ways too---or is it solely for the benefit of the company?
1 like • Apr '23
@Connor Swenson I personally don't allow recordings, so I can't estimate the value. I just know that if they're asking for it---it has value to them!
1-10 of 75
Kerri Price
1,257points to level up
All Things Facilitation I Community Engagement I Social Impact I Idea Generation I Vision, Values, Culture I Strategic Planning I Team Development

Active 2d ago
Joined Jan 19, 2023
New Zealand
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