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Skool Ads Lab

Private • 446 • $29/m

Ads Mastermind

Private • 19 • $149/m

About Page Roasts

Private • 93 • $5/m

22 contributions to Skool Community
How We Accidentally Built a 400+ Member Group (And You Can Too)
The problem: People think you need a grand plan, massive following, or insider knowledge to build a successful online community. Not true. We stumbled into creating a thriving 400+ member Skool group without any of those things. Here's the truth about accidental success: - You don't need a revolutionary idea - You don't need to be an "influencer" - You don't need to know everything from day one The solution: Embrace the unexpected, stay flexible, and above all, listen to your people. 1. Start with what you know We began with Facebook ads – our bread and butter. It wasn't groundbreaking, but it was our expertise. Don't overthink it. What skill do you have that others might want to learn? 2. Keep it simple and sustainable We opted for a low-ticket offer for two reasons: - Scalability with ads - Easy delivery while running our other businesses It's not about overnight millions. It's about creating something you can maintain without burning out. 3. Adapt to your actual audience Plot twist: We thought we were targeting advanced marketers. Instead, we got mostly beginners. Rather than panic, we pivoted. We kept prices low for newbies and created a separate group for pros. 4. Let your community guide you Your members will tell you what they need if you pay attention. When advanced folks asked for more, we launched a mid-tier offer – and built it with them. 5. Foster shared progress Encouraging members to share their results became our secret weapon - It motivated others - Created healthy competition - Provided real-world examples - Built trust through transparency 6. Embrace accidental success Our "strategy" that worked: - Created a group people enjoyed by listening - Built loyalty through adaptation - Naturally segmented our audience - Stayed flexible - Grew alongside our community 7. Know when to say "no" We constantly get asked to run ads for others. We don't. Why? - It's time-consuming - We prefer empowering people to DIY - We don't want to feel their ups and downs (which are inevitable) - It doesn't align with our vision
New comment 8h ago
How We Accidentally Built a 400+ Member Group (And You Can Too)
4 likes • 9d
Is Community Building the Unsung Hero of Digital Transformation?
Hey there, community enthusiasts! 👋 I woke up today with a tricky question that I can't shake off: Why is community building often dismissed as 'nice to have' when it could be the key to digital transformation? 🤔🔑 Let's think about this for a moment: • Companies invest millions in digital tools 💻 • Marketing teams chase the next viral trend 📈 • But how many truly harness the power of their community? 🤷‍♀️ As a Swiss Community Strategist with a essential marketing background, I see companies overlooking this goldmine daily. Meanwhile, giants like LEGO and Starbucks show what's possible when you take your community seriously. My thesis: Community building isn't just a channel – it's THE way to stay relevant in the digital age. But what do you think? 🔥 Is community building underrated or overrated? 🔥 What obstacles do you see in companies? 🔥 Do you have success stories that prove otherwise? Let's kick off this discussion! Your experiences and opinions could be the spark that ignites the next community revolution. 💥 Fire away in the comments! 👇 #CommunityPower #DigitalTransformation #FutureOfBusiness
New comment 19d ago
Is Community Building the Unsung Hero of Digital Transformation?
3 likes • 27d
@Muriel Urech Tsamis Sarah is the best.. 🙏
Tap torture 🚰
It just took me about 28 torturous screen taps to get @Devon Meadows and @Matt Fracek 's new community About Page Roasts high up on my list of groups I've joined. Hopefully that list of communities will be drag and droppable on mobile at some point, the way it is on desktop. Until then, could we have a button that whizzes a community to the top of the list? Or better yet, could we have new groups we join materialise at the top of the list rather than the bottom? About Page Roasts is currently only $1 to join, FYI...
New comment Jun 24
Tap torture 🚰
2 likes • Jun 22
haha I found myself dealing with the same issue
Any body have any luck running paid ads directly to skool groups ? I searched the group but couldn't find a clear answer
New comment Jun 22
1 like • Jun 19
@Sarah Hankins always appreciate the shouts Sarah!
Facebook ads
Anyone running profitable fb ads to their community? I know exactly who I can help I just don’t see any way other than social media ads or providing value in groups.
New comment Jun 11
0 likes • Jun 9
@Dave Heraud
1 like • Jun 9
@Ron Carter
1-10 of 22
Matt Fracek
89points to level up
Your Facebook/Instagram Ads Friend. Also CEO/Cofounder of Nature Backs

Active 9h ago
Joined Apr 18, 2024
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