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Created by Jason

Author Confidence Lounge

Private • 167 • Free

We help authors remove mental roadblocks so they can write freely and hit the road that leads to the passive income of publication. 👊

Possessed By Metal - VIP

Private • 38 • $6/m

The personal metal hangout of veteran Kerrang! writer Jason Arnopp. Want sanctuary from online wars between so-called rock fans? You may love this 🤘



Private • 660 • $197/m

Skool Community

Public • 116.4k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 17.3k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free

Skool Affiliates

Public • 4.4k • Free


Private • 729 • Free

About Page Roasts

Private • 93 • $5/m


Private • 216 • $1/m

344 contributions to Skool Community
Best old Sam Ovens Videos?
I've watched countless @Alex Hormozi videos. But I wasn't really in the game back when @Sam Ovens was regularly posting content. I know a lot of people still talk about loving his old videos even now. Can you share any good starting points / content from Sam that resonated with you? I already have a parasocial relationship with Hormozi after binging so much of his content... I may as well do the same with skool's other co-owner 😂
New comment 2h ago
4 likes • 16h
I am totally hitting the notification bell on this thread!
2 likes • 14h
@Mark Dorrill thanks for flagging this. The YT algorithm failed to serve it up to me and i'm loving it.👊
How Max Perzon Doubled His Skool Sales in 30-Days
@Max Perzon is the first person to win the Skool Games twice. To celebrate, @Wiktor Romanowicz and I caught up with him in Vegas to discover: - What Hormozi told him to double his sales - The right time to hire people (and how to do it) - What a “Skool Specialist” is - (And how they can make a lot of money) - His #1 idea for reducing churn - Why the MaxPremium Metaverse failed - And the most bulletproof way to reprogram your mind to become a successful person Check it out! Max's Skool:
New comment 11h ago
How Max Perzon Doubled His Skool Sales in 30-Days
1 like • 1d
Skool specialist. I'm totally havin' that, thanks @Max Perzon ! 😄👊 Great interview, as ever, @Matthew Thompson , although I'm really looking forward to seeing a more recent interview where you don't look like the Reaper's about to steal you away from us 🤣🤣 Excellent guest appearance from @Wiktor Romanowicz !
Can we get this please?!!
I would love to have a toggle to turn on and be notified every time someone makes a post in one of my groups… I do check throughout the day, but sometimes still miss one for some hours. I don’t want to follow everyone, because I don’t want notifications every time they post anywhere in any group, I just want to ensure that when they post in my group it doesn’t get missed. I understand that for bigger groups this may not be an issue or want, hence the toggle would be amazing, but for smaller groups I feel like this is a key thing that could make engaging and giving attention to anyone that posts in a timely manner easier.
New comment 1d ago
Can we get this please?!!
3 likes • 1d
Yes, this would be good. When one of my members makes their own post, I want to be sure I don't miss that.
3 likes • 1d
@Sarah Hankins
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
Step 1: START A COMMUNITY ALREADY!!! IT’S LITERALLY FREE!!! JUST DO IT!!! - Affiliate Link - Not Affiliate Link If you wait for the “right moment” to make a decision, you’ll never make it. Now is always the best time to start. The 2nd best time is now, but since that already past, the 3rd best time is NOW. Name the community whatever you want, don’t waste time thinking about it, you can and will change it later. Once you have the community, make it private, enable membership questions, and to be basic, this is what I would recommend: 1. Why are you interested in joining this community? 2. Enter your best email address. / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Step 2: Decide what your community will be. There is no perfect decision, there is no best niche, all you have to do is decide. - Who do you want to work with? - Who can you help? - What problem can you solve if someone gave you $1,000? - What problem would you still be happy to solve if money was not the goal for you? Write this down: “A free community to help [specific avatar] [achieve specific goal]” This is your group description. - Example #1: A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more - Example #2: A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm - Example #3: A free community to help hippies let go of complexity and live more simply and happily every day / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Step 3: Name your community. Make it clear. Make it cool. Examples: - Creator Monetization (A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more) - Particle Accelerator (A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm)
New comment 1d ago
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
2 likes • 2d
This is sheer fire! Awesome guide. 👊 But one question still remains cruelly unanswered: how CAN I access the quantum realm? 😫
A Wake-Up Call: When Your Heart Screams 'Enough!'
I'm dying. That’s what I was thinking after dropping my kids at school. My jaw went tight and then my chest went tight and the sharp stabbing pains started. To say I was freaking out would be an understatement. I limped the car home and curled up in a ball just waiting for the pain to hopefully stop. Once it stopped, I did the usual male response and decided to ignore it. Thankfully @Lexy Moore encouraged me to go to the hospital to have it checked out. I spent all day there hooked up to machines while tests were run. I was thinking "Is this it?" "Is this how far you have come?" "You are going to leave your kids behind, and what about that massive impact you said you would make on the world?" I was looking at myself, the life I’d created, and I felt ashamed of the choices I had made that had led me to that hospital bed. As they say, sometimes you need to hit rock bottom before you make a change, and that is where I am at. I think I will be fine, and I am waiting to speak to a cardiologist later today, but I wanted to share this as motivation to keep your stress in check and to be kind to yourself. As much as many of us are pushing so hard on skool, please don't lose sight of what’s important; why you came here. Don’t lose yourself in the process. ❤️
New comment 18h ago
A Wake-Up Call: When Your Heart Screams 'Enough!'
5 likes • 2d
Shiiiiit! Glad you went and got checked out, Dave. 😲👊
1-10 of 344
Jason Arnopp
5,506points to level up
35-year media veteran: author, journalist, YouTuber, coach. Wrote BBC Doctor Who fiction and co-authored Inside Black Mirror with Charlie Brooker.

Active 5h ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
Brighton, UK
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