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Synthesizer School

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12 contributions to Synthesizer School
A good tool
Telling good stories is a good idea. This good tool helps you write good stories. Enjoy.
New comment 6d ago
0 likes β€’ Jul '23
Thanks @Andrew Kirby
Logan Paul's Editor On How To Edit Better (I watched all his videos; synthesis below)
The Editor is Hayden Hillier Smith. I copied/distilled his teachings into 15 points below. 1/ Rhythm Think about the Rhythm or speed of your cuts - you can't maintain a 10/10 energy the whole time. Vary the pace of cuts depending on what's been happening and where you are in the sequence. Arbitrary fast cutting doesn't necessarily translate into intensity - it can easily descend into incoherent visual noise. The rhythm of your cuts will help the audience anticipate when the next cut happens - you can play with this. Breaking with the rhythm of what's come before helps highlight certain key moments in the video. Example: The average length of the previous 4 cuts was 1-2 seconds but there's a funny moment you want to emphasize so you hold for 4 - 6 seconds. 2/ Contrast/Emphasis Going from total silence to sound at certain moments is a powerful way to add emphasis. You can also do the reverse with a volume swell that then cuts to something much lower in volume to emphasize a specific moment or give the viewer a break. @Ross Sinclair uses volume swells really well. I'd watch his 'Don't Overcomplicate Body-Building Video'. 3/ Using B-roll B-Roll is literal. Just find footage that literally show what you're talking about in the video. 4/ The 'Zenith Cut' The Zenith Cut is your most exciting cut. It's the money cut. It's what the whole movie or sequence is building towards. Think about the end of Fight Club when the buildings come down or Casey Neistat's 'Make It Count' video when he splices all the separate running shots together in different locations near the end of the video. It's a big pay-off. 5/ Murder your darlings Just because you worked on it for 6 hours doesn't mean it's good. The things you most want to include (or think are cool) may not necessarily serve the overarching story. Does it undermine the value of the rest of the edit? Respect the audience's emotional investment and get rid of anything that doesn't serve that goal.
New comment Jul '23
3 likes β€’ Jul '23
πŸŽΉπŸš€ Hello Synthesizer School! 🎢
Greetings from the vibrant city of Vijayawada, nestled in the heart of Andhra Pradesh. I'm a 'happy-go-lucky' individual, living life one day at a time, with a pocketful of positivity and a heart full of dreams 😁. Inspired by my father, I embraced the medical field and am now a proud consultant physician πŸ©ΊπŸ’‰. My mission is simple yet profound: to make a small, yet meaningful difference in this vast, complex world 🌍. Life, however, is an unpredictable journey. Last year, a road accident 🏍️ served as a stark reminder of the importance of safety measures, like wearing a helmet. The incident left me with a fractured facial bone and a lasting scar πŸ˜“. But as they say, every setback is a setup for a comeback β›…. As I was homebound, I embarked on a transformative journey of self-discovery and learning. I explored the intriguing labyrinth of our mind 🧠, blending the insights of neuroscience with the spiritual teachings of enlightened masters like Buddha, Sadhguru, Swamy Vivekananda, and Adi Shankara πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ. During this period, I found invaluable guidance in Andrew Kirkby and his Synthesizer School, learning how to intertwine human creativity with the power of technology. I also discovered the innovative note-taking techniques from Nick Milo and honed my skills in Python, AI, and machine learning, fostering a deeper understanding of how we interact with machines and information πŸ–₯οΈπŸ“š. To further enhance my learning process, I turned to Justin Sung's 'I Can Study' program. His methods provided me with a comprehensive understanding of how learning occurs, leading to a more efficient and effective approach to acquiring knowledge πŸ“–πŸ’‘. As I meditated and reflected, my bond with knowledge deepened, and I developed a unique workflow. This not only streamlined the content creation process but also improved my communication skills, allowing me to share my insights more effectively πŸ“πŸŽ™οΈ. I'm excited to share my journey, my learnings, and my life with this incredible community. Let's embark on this journey of exploration, learning, and growth together! πŸŒ±πŸš€
New comment May '23
2 likes β€’ May '23
Welcome πŸ™‚
8m views on the channel in 28 days
Quality VS quantity? In the beginning I say quantity - further down the line I say quality. But interestingly enough, I've been hammering the quantity approach again lately and it's been paying off. My channel is in good health. I've been posting purely YouTube shorts. "But shorts will not build a good relationship with your audience". False. Alex Hormozi said himself: "I love Gary Vee and realized I never actually consumed a long form piece of content from him". People today will sit down and spend 15 minutes watching 15 1-minute videos as opposed to sitting down and watching 1 15-minute video. Here's the strategy: 1. Research videos in you niche and find high performers. 2. Script out 7 videos modelling them 3. Sit down and film them all back to back until the work is done. 4. Have a GOOD editor edit them. 5. Post daily. I spend 2 days per week creating my content and even I find that to be too long. I'm in the guitar niche so I have to learn parts on guitar constantly which slows me down a lot. If I were simply speaking to the camera I could create waaaay more. Lastly, I'm no expert, but I can confidently speak on what I've done and the results it's gotten me. Hope this helps.
New comment May '23
0 likes β€’ May '23
Very good
ATTENTION: Safe Zone for Short Contents
When i start to edit short content, i had one problem: More subtitles go attached about the "button" or description of content inside the social media. This is the solution: During your editing, add a "mask" to have a point of referement. Click on the immage to download the mask and use this during your editing. Bonus: i use a mask with three color, to remember me the best color (exact hex code) to grab attention or transfer emotion with subtitles.
New comment May '23
1 like β€’ May '23
@Jerry Travis Hey Jerry, i use one for all. I edit one content for all platforms.
1-10 of 12
Manuel Sechi
87points to level up
Laser focus

Active 36d ago
Joined Oct 12, 2022
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