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Men of Action Forum

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@Micheal Sartain @Grant Jordan @Ty Buchanan @Anthony DiRico (First half of this post is exaggerted lol) THIS IS IT MICHEAL MY FINAL QUESTION I'M GETTING ALL THESE HOT BABES WITH THIS ONE I'VE ANALYZED EVERYONE ONE OF YOUR PODCASTS, EVERY ONE OF YOUR MOVES, EVERY STRATEGY, EVERY FOLLICLE ON YOUR F**KING FORESKIN I'VE ACQUIRED EXPERIENCE AND KNOWLEDGE FROM MY WORKPLACE YOU'VE NEVER SEEN OR HEARD OF BEFORE. These NORMAL ASS, NON-INTERNET INUNDATED DUDES who are the BOYFRIENDS of these HOT BABES at MY WORK, have never heard of "SOCIAL CIRCLE", " PRE-SELECTION" or "MOA" in their lives. AND YET THEY STILL MANAGE TO RIZZ ALL THESE HOT BABES INTO SUBMISSION? WTF? MADNESS And sometimes they manage to do it IN COMPLETE CONTRARY to your ADVICE? MADNESS (For Example: They're Instagram accounts are DOG SHIT, NO pre-selection, LOW quality pictures, and yet they're still dating a 9 out 10 Hot Blonde with Big Tiddies) THEY JUST ""GET IT"" HOW? BY THE GODS. WHATS HAPPENING? ZEEUSSSSSS! =========================================================================== lol. In all seriousness, Jokes aside. I see these Normal Ass Dudes on Instagram who are the boyfriends of these HOT Girls at my work and I think...... well fuck...... They're never heard of Micheal... and all this "Spreadsheet to Death Internet Autism" and they still manage to be pulling these hot babes..... They didn't have to study fuck. all. to be with the hot girls they're with and yet they're with them. JUST to HAMMER home my/our POINT. Because 99.9999% of guys HAVE NEVER HEARD of MOA. MOST of these DUDES I see who have HOT GIRLFRIENDS have: - NEVER heard of Micheal Sartain in their life. -They have NEVER listened to a podcast with dating advice in their life. -They're INSTAGRAM accounts are DOG-SHIT (NO pre-selection showcasing. NO good quality photos) -They're NOT rich or handsome. -They're SUPER normal.
New comment 3d ago
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@Ty Buchanan I don't know what exactly the relationship dynamics for them is behind the scenes so I suppose it's pretty general, don't know what their social life set-up is, like who how often are they hosting events like parties etc, the most common thing I'm seeing is they're often pretty normal. Which make it hard to sus out what it is they're doing, but then again, I think "being normal" IS in fact what they are doing. Being immersed in popular culture makes them super relatable, and by extension, relatable to most women. My educated guess is that these normal dudes made friends with women at a young age, some good looking, some not so good looking, and just snowballed the pre-selection from there to be able to meet the hot girlfriend they are with today. Do you think thats decent theory? Or am i way out of the ballpark @Ty Buchanan Micheal did talk about, consuming/keep up to date with popular culture, so he things in common he can relate/talk about with his women friends.
Hi all, I'm Darren from Singapore! 27 year old with high functioning autism, never really had any success so far in building a social network due to crippling fears about what others think about me and the lack of financial stability. Looking forward to working with everyone here! Anyone from Singapore here, or at least living in Singapore for the long haul?
New comment 8d ago
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Live in Ireland
New comment 8d ago
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From Toronto Ontario
Just joined today What's happening guys! I'm from Toronto, Ontario, Canada (I'm aboriginal and Italian mix like corn/pasta) @canzianamc Truthfully I'm all about helping people as I've been in the finance industry since 2010. Mindset is important when it comes to networking making sure there's abundance and a bulletproof vision. What is your why? What is it going to take to quit on your goals and dreams? I know my answer Cheers
New comment 7d ago
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Hello everyone
I just realized you have an introduction board, noticing it only now, so better late than never. I'm Ivan from Italy. I work remotely and have been traveling since december 2011. I've never been good at taking pics (I'm not good yet, but I intend to improve) and always ignored my instagram. So it's time to get my IG on point, all it takes is good ides for pics and putting in the time and effort to take and post them. I realized I have to set up some time during the day to post things (light edit and post) otherwise I get caught in other things and keep postponing. I guess with time I'll get better and it will be easier to be consistent, but now at the beginning I need to blocj the time and do it. In the next days will post a bit to ask some specific questions, I decided I'll get better at this, and I will ;)
New comment 8d ago
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Welcome my g
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Lorcan Dolan Ruiz
2points to level up
22 Irish Learning about Social Circle Setup from MOA to apply in my own life.

Active 3d ago
Joined Jan 14, 2024
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