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[New] “Steal My Algorithms” Social Circle Shortcut
Who would get the girl in this situation? - Man with Ferrari and a 6-pack - Man with a regular 9-5 and a Toyota Corolla The truth is… That’s a trick question (I know, I know – cheesy). What I didn’t mention is the regular 9-5 guy STOLE my “algorithms”... And is running circles around the rich hunk. But why would an average dude steal the wealthy guy’s girl? Because your looks and money DON’T matter when attracting women… Your “operating system” does. Most men don’t realize… But their inner “algorithms” (which everyone has)... Are actually REPELLING women… Even if you don’t know it. This is how you’ll see the bald, overweight guy in Old Navy clothing walking down the street with an absolute 10. And because I know how CRITICAL inner algorithms are for building high-status social circles… I’ve spent 25+ years developing MY algorithms… Which works on auto-pilot… And allows me to attract any girl I want (college girls, goth girls, etc). And I can install these hidden algorithms for you in “Steal My Algorithms.” Here’s a breakdown of what’s inside “Steal My Algorithms”: ✅ The Abundance Algorithm: How I created “too much” social and monetary wealth in life ✅ The Suspension Algorithm: How I compress 20 years into 2 weeks ✅ The FOMO Algorithm: How I generate massive attraction in just a few clicks ✅ The Easy-Mode Algorithm: How I set my dating life to the easiest difficulty level (and still date models) ✅ The Pressure-Cooker Algorithm: How I went from a total loser to a celebrity networker ✅ The Mastermind Algorithm: How I create a personal mastermind group of A-Players ✅ The Personal-Monopoly Algorithm: How I created my personal “fun monopoly” all over the world ✅ The Shortcut Algorithm: How I cut corners and level up faster than anyone ✅ The Headmaster Algorithm: How I invest my money for massive returns ✅ The Handshake Algorithm: How I network to grow my business For less than a Starbucks… You can install my internal systems… That has led me to date Playboy models 10 points out of my league…
New comment 6d ago
1 like • Nov '24
Anyone else having trouble with the way Skool coded the formatting on the purchase page? The "Buy" button is below the crease, but there is no way to scroll to click it. So you can enter your cc number, but you can't click "Buy".
Growth mindset, I may need a better technique.
How do people listen to Audio books at 2x speed and are able to digest everything?? I run parts back all the time at 1x speed I couldn't imagine, O_O if my mind wonders off for 2 sec I missed half the chapter... send help! What speed do you listen to everything at and how do you maintain understating the information?
New comment Nov '24
Growth mindset, I may need a better technique.
1 like • Nov '24
Listen to the books on 2x speed to get the big ideas and to filter out the good books from the bad books. Of the good books (usually about 1 out of 10), buy a physical copy and study it more in depth to really absorb and implement what you read.
What would you do?
Ok, question: You have a business and NO budget for any marketing. How would you grow it to 5k-10k per month? You can answer this with you're own business as this question doesn't mention what kind of business, the products, target market, etc
New comment Nov '24
7 likes • Oct '24
Read the book "Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator" by Ryan Holiday. He was the marketing director for brands such as American Apparel and Tucker Max. The book is about how he would manipulate the media into essentially giving him millions of dollars of free press coverage by courting controversy.
How much BEEF to eat to gain-weight?
How much ground, full-fat, beef would I have to eat to gain weight? I feel like I'm gonna have to eat this stuff by the kilo to actually gain weight. How much meat are you guys eating per day? I currently eating 800g (just under 2lbs of beef) of ground beef a day, and my weight has not gone above 125lbs (I'm 6 foot) Gonna up it to 1200g. Then if that's doesn't work 1600g. If that doesn't work, surely my digestion most be fucked up somehow. I have intestinal parasites which I ASSUME are eating some of my calories, but probably can over-ridden just by eating a """"little more""""fuck em. Note: I eat pretty much a NO-Bullshit diet. 90% of the time, I eat only ground beef with Tabasco sauce, eggs, cabbage, and squash and a little rice. So really ground beef is my only real source of mass calories. How much do you guys have to eat to gain weight? Is it just me or does everyone have to eat Beef by the kilos/3-4-5+ pounds amount to be able to gain weight from it alone. I feel like the average jacked dude walking around eats these tiny meals and somehow sticks on mass quicker than the Gods of Olympus. Either that Or is my digestion just fucked. Anyways. Let me know down below.
New comment Oct '24
2 likes • Oct '24
It is harder to gain weight with just protein for two main reasons. Firstly, protein fills you up more, so you aren't as hungry and don't want to eat. Secondly, protein has a higher thermogenic load than carbs, meaning you don't get as many calories out of 100g of protein as out of 100g of carbs because it takes more energy to digest protein. I agree with the consensus here that you should increase the carbs.
How to handle Awkward Silence
I remember having this inner dialogue back in my younger days when awkward silence comes up on a date... Fck I'm losing her, Fck say something funny, Fck say something witty... Then I would try to pull stuff out my ass to keep it going and usually it goes downhill from there Funny thing is.. Silence wasn't even the problem Me thinking that silence was the problem is the problem Me overthinking the situation and changing my behavior to please, to not lose her, to entertain was the problem In addition.. When we judge silence as bad, it gives us a physiological response of anxiety and she can sense that shit.. The solution is embracing the silence.. Have nothing to say, just chill. Go look into distance and be aware of what's going on in your environment Feel the seat your sitting on, the left ass cheek that your leaning towards Relax into your senses... Inevitably she won't be able to handle the silence herself and she'll say something Let her break the silence for once Let her think of something funny Let her think of something witty And there's no need to label it as awkward From now on.. it's not awkward silence It's just silence I
New comment Oct '24
How to handle Awkward Silence
0 likes • Oct '24
Absolutely correct! This is a realization that I came to a few years ago. I would get really uncomfortable any time there was a pause in the conversation. I would try to think up something interesting to say. In reality, a lull in the conversation isn't the death kiss many guys think it is. Many guys will even get so uncomfortable that they eject from the convo too early just to avoid it. DON'T. Just sit in the silence for 5-10 seconds and the girl will pick up the conversation for you.
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Liam Temple
232points to level up
New to Skool.

Active 27d ago
Joined May 22, 2024
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