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Pioneering the field of superneuroplasticity. Official community for the Subconscious Optimization System.


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84 contributions to MindChrysalis
Training on superneuroplasticity happening now
New comment 2d ago
It has begun!
Hey everyone, I haven't been on here for a while and it's been an up and down time recently. The bad... well I was recently with no warning made redundant from my pretty good sales position just over a month ago. This wasn't down to anything I had done it was just business as the sales team was all let go of. So that was a gut punch. Now onto the not just good but very good! After asking in the group sometime ago and asking both Ryan and Jordan specially about the steps they took to becoming a hypnotherapist (Thanks by the way guys!) I bit the bullet! I found somewhere that is somewhat local to me where I can do the course in person. I know now we can do a lot of things online and it's just as good (I did a few good courses myself like this) however I felt this needed an in person type learning. I talked to the tutor and looked at the modules of the course. They all sound awesome, there's even a section on setting up a business after you know what you are doing of course. The class will begin in September this year and take place in York if all the spots get filled. Which shouldn't be an issue as they only do smaller classes which is good. I already have some idea of hypnosis and how it works thanks to Ryan and the community/content. I did train to be a counsellor years ago and couldn't go along with it as I didn't belive the methods were effective enough to learn it at degree level and get in all that student debt. I feel like everything is coming around full circle as i wouldnt of discovered hypnosis if i had not made that decision years ago. This kind of proves that if you are looking for answers you will eventually find them as everyone around me thought I made a terrible mistake not pursuing counselling at the time. But I knew in my gut it wasn't right for me. Even though being unemployed at the moment sucks, this too shall pass. So if you are struggling and seem a bit lost keep pushing forward. You are already further along than most just being in here!
New comment 14h ago
6 likes • 15d
Congratulations Liam! Everyone gets fired some day. Not everyone gets to have a plan for the day after. Sometimes a kick in the ass is the necessary impetus to push us forward
The Superneuroplasticity series
These videos are a four part series. This is the science behind the method. You will learn the four conditions necessary for superneuroplasticity to potentially happen.
New comment May 24
The Superneuroplasticity series
A sense of wonder
Do you guys know anything about 'What if' statements and perhaps the relation it was with our subconscious?
New comment May 14
2 likes • May 11
@Rapaaea Henderson Happy endings where the noble Maori warrior gets all the girls and rides into the sunset as a shining hero
Major Breakthrough
So I broke up with my girlfriend a month ago, after a over a year of conventional dialog therapy with a psychologist and trying to figure out if I was the asshole or if I was actually dealing with an abusive girlfriend. I'd been wanting to break up for a long time, but never had the cajones to actually do it. When I was actually able to do it I broke down completely, feeling like a total asshole, and a few days afterward tried to get back with her. Whenever she asked me a question that I wanted to answer honestly my body froze up completely, and I started tensing up and fight my brain on actually saying something. I wanted to speak my thoughts and feelings, but my body would not let me at all. After we got off the phone I immediately went and did a trauma clearing audio because I knew the feelings were at a high intensity. When I got into the identifying portion I went back to being three years old and my mom is screaming at me. She won't stop screaming at me. I'm three years old and don't even understand what she's screaming about, or if this is even a real memory, but I'm curled up into a ball terrified out of my three year old mind. In the real world forty year old me is bawling his eyes out on the floor, furious and screaming back at his mom for being so horrible to a defenseless little kid. I hadn't cried that much in probably five years, maybe ten. I had to pause the recording for ten minutes just to process the whole thing because I was blubbering snotty teary mess. I was able to go back in and send it all away in the tornado, and produce a protective force field, and immediately after the recording ended I passed out in exhaustion on my sleeping pad I had setup on the floor for the session. Woke up two hours later and went to bed. The next morning I felt like I had been released from prison. I was happy and excited about the day, and looking forward to collecting my thoughts on my relationship with my girlfriend and going to an extra therapy session to try and refine them before meeting my girlfriend for a talk about if we were going to get back together. Because despite the crap I've dealt with from her, she actually is a very sweet girl who has a huge level of trauma herself that she has never tried to remedy, and the little girl inside is screaming for the love and safety that she never got as a kid.
New comment May 1
4 likes • Apr 30
@W Ryan Fowler Thank You for putting uncongested copious bowel movements before the sanctity of @Matt Perry's enlightenment -:) LOL. @Matt Perry pay forward time: This technology caused a profound breakthrough in your relationship. Your GF feels it and the people around you probably feel it too. You show up differently. The biggest compliment you can do is to introduce this community to the people who need it. "Be the change you want to see in this world", Mohandas Gandhi You have changed. Be our Ambassador. In Jack Campbell hero's journey, this is the return of the king, who shares his wisdom with his people. This community grows through the word of mouth of Ambassadors like You So, please invite friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances and even foes to this community. After all, angry people are are often people projecting their inner pain outside
3 likes • May 1
@Matt Perry Thank You. It is thanks to ambassador like yourself that our message will reach people in need. Once again, Bravo and thank You
1-10 of 84
Laurent Bernut
25points to level up
Entrepreneur based in Tokyo. Top foreign retail investor in Japanese real estate. Published author, algo-trading, hedge fund. Kitesurf, wine, papa

Active 7h ago
Joined Aug 24, 2023
Tokyo, Japan
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