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Facilitator Club

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7 contributions to Facilitator Club
English vs. German – how do you approach localization?
Hej Workshoppers! I have been and still are battling with this question and would like to tap into the collective experience and intelligence of you. My innovation studio is officially based in Germany. My offer is running a very specific workshop, namely the AI Design Sprint™. My mission behind that: enable non-tech decision-makers to uncover valuable AI potentials & co-create meaningful AI solution concepts for their unique business context. My target audience is located in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Suisse) region which is mainly a german speaking market 🇩🇪. The intuitive thing to do would be to also have german as my main language for everything I do and publish. But currently I am using English as my default language 🇺🇸🇬🇧. LinkedIn, website, marketing material, ... I deliberately made this decision to be able to also reach people beyond this german speaking market and to be able to scale at some point. Am I loosing prospects in my current target market because they might not understand English well enough? Maybe you've had the same question and already answered it for you. It would be awesome to hear some of your experiences and thoughts on this. 🙏
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
That is exactly the question. 🤔 I was hoping to get an insight from AJ & Smart because I know you are based in Germany. It is the question between reaching a broader more international audience vs. being more targeted. Personal remark on the side: wording messages, copywriting and marketing in English usually sounds so much better than in German… 😂 Very much appreciate your feedback on this, @Jonathan Courtney
Facilitation in the are of web3
GM and hello everybody, currently I am thrilled and enthusiastic about two areas - facilitation of sprint workshops and the whole web3 space (including AI). web3 as an internet revolution is here to stay and will affect all of us and everybody sooner than later. Now I am wondering, how we as facilitators can help to onboard and teams in this space or find potentials to come up with business models or adjust existing business model to this new paradigms. I'd like to find out if there are some people here who are also digging into web3 and who would be interested to give this some more thoughts. Have a great weekend everybody!
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
@Sabrina Habib Would you be open to share results with me? This is a very interesting survey!!!
0 likes • May '23
Very much appreciated!!! 💛
Let’s Meet Virtually Next Week!
Hello Facilitators!👋 We are so EXCITED to announce that we’ll be hosting a virtual meet-up next Thursday, March 9th at 7PM CET. This is the perfect opportunity for us all to come together, get to know one another and chat about Facilitation and Workshopping in a super casual way! The purpose of this call is for you to meet and learn from other community members in a friendly, open, and relatively unstructured format! This call won’t have a ‘theme,’ but we will draw from conversations happening within the community. As the format is so unstructured, if you’d like to discuss any successes or challenges you’re experiencing in the world of facilitation and workshopping, this is the space to share. We want to make this community as unique as possible and make genuine connections with you so we can all grow and learn together as Facilitators so meeting virtually is a great step in the right direction! If you’re interested in joining, here's the link to this call. The link to join is also in the Skool calendar 🤗 Hope to see many of you at this call. I'm SUPER excited to meet you all 💛
New comment Mar '23
3 likes • Mar '23
Trying my very best to be part of this. Excited to meet you all!!
Tricks for Better Workshop Results
I was wondering: Do you have any tips & tricks to improve the chances of your workshop results? I mean outside of the “core” workshop design (e.g. what exercises to use, what participants to invite etc.) Here are three that come to my mind: 1️⃣ Make Sure Everyone is Well Rested Because we make worse decisions when we’re tired. 💡 Don’t start your workshop at 8 am, don’t make it too exhausting and plan frequent breaks. 2️⃣ Make Sure Everyone is Well Fed After we eat, our dopamine levels increases. Dopamine helps nerve cells to send messages to each other. Exactly what you want for your group in a workshop! 💡 Don’t be cheap - saving money on lunch or snacks will cost you in form of poor decisions! 3️⃣ Change the Environment During the workshop - if the group sees what they see every day, their thinking will be tied to what they think every day. You know how all those top execs always have their strategy retreats away from their office? They’re doing it for a reason. 💡 To get fresh ideas, change the environment. Anything else? Let me know what other tricks you use to improve your chances!
New comment Feb '23
3 likes • Feb '23
@Lukas Liebich I would for sure list the 'onboarding' here. Especially in remote workshop scenarios this is crucial. Everybody needs to have a tech-setup that works and makes sure that the team is not distracted (e.g. headphones) and they need to be able to handle the tools (e.g. Miro) so everyone can contribute their ideas and comments. Also important in this context I find is the point of 'setting expectations' and preparing the team that they will (not if) leave their comfort zone at some point in the workshop. I once had a team of high level management folks who were quite overwhelmed as soon as they were supposed to draw and come up with very concrete solutions to the challenge. I informed up front about the process but my fault was to not prepare them enough that they WILL leave their comfort zone at some point and that this is actually wanted and needed to have great results.
What are your top tips for setting yourself up as a freelance workshopper?
One of the great things about what we do is you can do it as an employee or go out and become your own company. Whilst the later comes with amazing benefits there are a lot of areas that need to be considers… Like - What does it take to set myself up as a business or do I just contract in. - If I am setting myself up as a business am I a sole trader.. registering by business - Defining your purpose and setting clear goals yearly, quarterly - Defining your target customers, products, services and financials. Whilst this is a passion space for a lot of us, you still need to understand your revenue needs. - Branding and marketing - What do you need to set yourself up… physically, technology - Contracts for engagements - How to build a pipeline, managing you customer base Making sure you get work life balance! Would be interested in hearing and learning from each other on what made sense for you and what you would like to share with the rest of the community…
New comment May 17
1 like • Feb '23
Hej @Kerri Price , are you still sending out? :-) I'd love to look into this since I am currently starting out as a freelance facilitator. Thanks a lot in advance!
1-7 of 7
Jörg Winterhoff
5points to level up
I enable non-tech decision-makers to uncover valuable AI potentials & co-create meaningful AI solution concepts for their unique business context

Active 276d ago
Joined Jan 19, 2023
Isernhagen, Germany
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