Tricks for Better Workshop Results
I was wondering: Do you have any tips & tricks to improve the chances of your workshop results?
I mean outside of the “core” workshop design (e.g. what exercises to use, what participants to invite etc.)
Here are three that come to my mind:
1️⃣ Make Sure Everyone is Well Rested
Because we make worse decisions when we’re tired.
💡 Don’t start your workshop at 8 am, don’t make it too exhausting and plan frequent breaks.
2️⃣ Make Sure Everyone is Well Fed
After we eat, our dopamine levels increases. Dopamine helps nerve cells to send messages to each other. Exactly what you want for your group in a workshop!
💡 Don’t be cheap - saving money on lunch or snacks will cost you in form of poor decisions!
3️⃣ Change the Environment
During the workshop - if the group sees what they see every day, their thinking will be tied to what they think every day.
You know how all those top execs always have their strategy retreats away from their office? They’re doing it for a reason.
💡 To get fresh ideas, change the environment.
Anything else?
Let me know what other tricks you use to improve your chances!
Lukas Liebich
Tricks for Better Workshop Results
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