What is this?

Created by Jonathan

Inner Circle Mentorship

Private • 761 • Free

The official private group for active Workshopper Master members

The Board Mastermind

Private • 15 • Free

AJ&Smart's high-level, private business-Mastermind



Private • 26 • Paid

Facilitator Club

Public • 6.1k • Free


Private • 2.1k • Paid

Skool Community

Public • 116.3k • Paid


Private • 120 • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer School

Public • 11.5k • Free


Private • 1.3k • Free

Quantum Alumni

Private • 112 • Free


Private • 76 • Paid

11 contributions to Skool Community
New feature: Facebook pixel tracking
Imagine running Facebook and Instagram ads directly to your group with perfect conversion tracking. Imagine if you could retarget people who visit your groups about page. Now you can... Introducing the "Meta pixel tracking" plugin — track page views, membership requests, and purchases. Everything you need to grow your free or paid group with ads. But does the Skool about page actually convert? @Evelyn Weiss has been running FB/IG ads to a well optimized ClickFunnels landing page for years. She tested the same ads to her Skool about page in a true A/B test — her Skool about page beat her custom funnel. (and we haven't even optimized it yet). Need help connecting your Meta pixel? Watch this tutorial video for instructions. Enjoy 🎉
New comment Jun 25
New feature: Facebook pixel tracking
6 likes • Apr 9
Nice one!
Membership challenge winners 🎉
The membership challenge ended last night at 11:59pm. Congratulations to the winners! 📈 Most MRR winners: 1st — Avocado HealthPro Community ($24,399 MRR) 2nd — Adonis Gang ($18,695 MRR) 3rd — Creator Accelerator ($13,832 MRR) 📈 Most paid members winners: 1st — Adonis Gang (3,736 paid members) 2nd — 1% Ecom Club (798 paid members) 3rd — Zero To HERO (558 paid members) 1st prize gets — Macbook pro, screen, lifetime free skool 2nd prize gets— Macbook pro, 1-year free skool 3rd prize gets — 1-year free skool 📈 Hundreds of people got more than 10 paid members to join their group. All of you get 3-months free skool + skool merch. Nice work! 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize winners — check your DM's today! We'll be in touch to give you your prizes. For those of you who got 10+ paid members — we'll email you in the next 2-3 days to hook you up. This was fun! Crazy to see people hitting $24,399 MRR ($293k /year income) in just 28-days. Let's congratulate these winners!
New comment Apr 6
Membership challenge winners 🎉
2 likes • Oct '23
congrats to the winners!!!
Testing out a video trailer for our Skool Community
We wanted something fun but informative to those who haven't yet joined our Facilitation Community. People seem to like it so I thought i'd share here:
New comment Jul '23
1 like • Jul '23
@Jordan Todorovski no idea, dont think it's going to be super easy to measure. We did it more as a thing to make it feel premium and show off our brand.
0 likes • Jul '23
@Troy Lavinia Thanks Troy! Im not sure this format will be relevant to much other than facilitation right?
New feature: Calendar event permissions (+ more)
Now you can set access permissions for your events, just like courses. You can make events accessible to members at a level, or members with a course. You can set a cover image to personalize your events, and specify the link/address separate from the description so it shows/hides depending on the member's access. We renamed the "Calendar" tab to "Events" because it's the events that are important, and this new UI emphasizes the events instead of empty white space. We added a cool "LIVE" indicator too! Watch this video to see how this new feature works, and let us know what you think?
New comment Jul '23
New feature: Calendar event permissions (+ more)
4 likes • Jul '23
Yes!!! @Laura Faint
Our Free -> Paid Skool setup = $450k per month
Hey Skool... buddies? I wanted to share how I'm using a free group funnel to move people to my paid community... using Skool of course! Now, I'm not the biggest fan of writing, I get bored fast.. so I'm mostly gonna bullet point this AND I made a Loom video here: Happy to answer whatever questions you like. Ok, so main things to know: - I run a company called AJ&Smart, we're a digital product studio and innovation training company (we help companies like Lego, Google, GE, Amex etc with their digital products) which also sells online courses (mainly to teach people how to Facilitate Workshops) - For the specific online course side of the business, we use Skool to funnel people from ads/youtube videos (example)/books and other activities into a Free Group called "Facilitator Club" - Facilitator Club is focussed on helping consultants in the product/innovation/tech space move from being people who have to execute tasks for their clients to just being involved in the strategic/up-front work like "ideation". We also have a lot of people from other industries in there too who just want to move toward strategy and away from execution. Here's the group: (Please only join if you think it might be relevant). - This free group is full of little things to keep people engaged, primarily using the Leaderboard system to help people "unlock" courses and resources. These actually help people to preview the quality of our paid stuff. - The free group acts as a "holding pattern" for people to move to our paid group which costs €6000 and now almost has 1000 members. - The free group isn't the only way people are getting into the paid group, but it's definitely been an amazing place to "warm people up" before moving them to the paid group.
New comment Oct '23
Our Free -> Paid Skool setup = $450k per month
2 likes • Jun '23
@Marcos Spatz Live webinars and email campaigns currently
3 likes • Jun '23
@Asim Kazi mmmm if we don't then we should :D @Laura Faint
1-10 of 11
Jonathan Courtney
329points to level up
I'm the CEO of AJ&Smart, a company that helps other companies with their product strategy

Active 10h ago
Joined Jul 15, 2020
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