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💸 How I made $1,000 on Skool yesterday
(Without sending DM's and having my Skool group hidden!) Hey Skool fam (or should we be called Skoolies??!), I did this short video to explain how I made $1,000 on Skool yesterday (without sending DM's and having my Skool group hidden!) and also explain: - 👉🏼 What my unusual strategy is 🤓 - 👉🏼 Why I am intentionally being the tortoise, not the hare 🐢 - 👉🏼 My vision for what I am building on Skool 🧐 By Backstory 👇🏼 - 15 year building online communities (Meetup .com, Facebook, Mighty Networks, now Skool!) - Launch Sales Strategist helping my clients have 6 & multi 6-figure client course launches using online communities for 5+ years - Before - award winning consultant building and scaling sales teams for corporate clients (FTSE100, Fortune500) The Skool Plan 👇🏼 - My group is private invite only (hidden until yesterday) launched 3 week ago - Watched Sam's interview, 10 people, invited 24 to open (all who paid upfront for a set period) - Intentional about WHO, right attitude and vibe. - Bought into my vision - Here in the community to watch, listen and learn (6 weeks now). - Asking questions, having conversations, no pitches. - All BEFORE I open any free Skool group. - Understand the culture and vision and how I can best add value. - Side effect already = made more new friends than years on FB/IG and I become a Level 6 "Grandmaster" and being called the Queen of Skool!👸🏼 My Group 👇🏼 - Focused on getting clients, growing sales, wellness and fun - Messaging (how to get ideal clients to DM you, no cold needed), sales strategy, launching, mindset/energetics - Somatic Breathwork (live and recorded) Current offer 👇🏼 - Freedom Business House, secret invite only (only added a video yesterday) - Pay upfront for set period, moving to monthly payments. - Skool payments when we open to the public 2024 Skool plan 👇🏼 - Intentional, sustainable growth over volume - Massively over deliver on those who said YES - surprise and delight - Open a free Skool group
New comment 3h ago
💸 How I made $1,000 on Skool yesterday
I got my first 5 PAID members into my new community!!!
Very stoked about this!! If I can get 5 members...I can get 500. SKOOL is a great and simple platform to use! I know this is nothing compared to what the biggest accounts are doing but ...... You have to start somewhere!!!
New comment 3h ago
The Path to $10,000/month with a Skool Community
WARNING: This post may completely change how you approach online sales. If you’re a coach, guru, influencer, or teacher and you want to be making an extra $5,000 - $10,000 in fully automated, recurring monthly income... Keep reading because... In this post you're going to see how you can make monthly recurring income (MRR) with your own micro-niche online community using Skool. (Have A.D.H.D. & can't read? Just scroll down to the very bottom and you'll get my 8 Step Framework to follow to set up and grow your own 5-10k/month community, without needing a big following, and without needing a ton of content.) Let's begin: What's a micro-niche online community? Think of it like a subscription membership you can offer, either in addition to, or instead of, traditional 1:1 coaching & 1 time courses. (@Sam Ovens says to think of it like a 'country club'.) Typical deliverables may include: • Community Q&A forum • Weekly or monthly group Zoom call • Videos • Other helpful resources like ebooks, mp3's, etc. But here’s what’s cool: Micro-niche online communities can still sell extremely well even if you DON'T have a big following… I heard about this guy named Nick who sold 180 spots to his audience of 200 people... because he knew exactly what they wanted and made them a deal they couldn't refuse. And strangely enough, these micro-niche communities also work really well even if you don’t create a ton of content for them... Turns out, the #1 reason people say they unsubscribe is because there's “too much content” to go through. So now that you know WHAT a micro-niche online community is… Let me show you WHY they're by far the best thing to sell going forward... In fact, here's why they're better than high ticket, better than stand alone courses, and better than 1:1 coaching... Though first, just so you know what I'm talking about… here's some context: I wasn’t always an online community expert. Making tens of thousands every month from communities and helping others build & grow their communities was NEVER my intention.
New comment 3h ago
The Path to $10,000/month with a Skool Community
Start with a free Community
Hello everyone, I want to illustrate the importance of a free community with this game plan. Many who are new to Skool wonder whether they should start directly with a paid community to quickly make money, or if a free community would be better at the beginning. If you are aiming for long-term success, I definitely recommend starting with a free community. Once you reach about 100 members there, you can slowly build a paid community. The free community usually generates the most inquiries and commitments for the paid community. If you start directly with a paid community, you miss the chance to gain members through the free community. Additionally, through the discovery search in Skool, you automatically and constantly receive new members for your free community (for free), who can later transition into the paid community. Please let me know if this all makes sense to you. This is my Gameplan and the free community has the biggest impact. lg Calvin
New comment 4h ago
Start with a free Community
3 days off. What I learned in a year (Skool)
I have been active on Skool every day for over a year now. Well, I didn't show up for work on three days (sorry). I would like to share my most valuable learning with you today: Consistency! I advise everyone who starts with Skool and wants to earn a lot of money with it to get into a kind of routine as quickly as possible. How I did it: - I almost only use Skool on the computer (feels more like work) - at the beginning I put it in my calendar or as an alarm - I talk on other platforms about the fact that I am active on Skool (commitment) Don't start too quickly. If you start exercising in the gym, your goal in the first few weeks should be to enjoy going to the gym. Once you have achieved that, increase your work. If you don't have fun, it will be hard to get through times when things don't go the way you expect. I stopped all sources of income 7 months ago and went all in. I have 7 employees and couldn't pay salaries in one month without using my reserves. I'm now back to my 90k/month and very grateful to have stuck with it. I haven't lost the fun for a single day. Not even when things weren't going fast enough :-) Play the long game, the grass doesn't grow faster by pulling on it. Regards, Calvin
New comment 4h ago
3 days off. What I learned in a year (Skool)
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