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10 contributions to Content Academy
Are You Humble Enough To Solve Your Own Problems?
In a world where everyone has to put on a persona that they know everything. (Especially in the marketing space) Are you secure enough in what you DO KNOW to ask the other basic questions that you DO NOT? It's hard to solve your problems if you're not first willing to admit you don't know. Or if you're afraid it will make you look, less than. These dynamics create baggage in our heads and keep us stuck. People will judge you (for a split second) when they see your question. But they will forget shortly after. And who really cares anyway what User4563 thinks or says? Either way you'll have the last laugh as you speed past them in the long run.
New comment Jun 23
1 like • Jun 20
@Eric Stevens I love this tidbit:)
2 likes • Jun 20
I don’t know how to stop procrastinating and do the darn thing even though I’m afraid and it’s imperfect. So more clearly stated would that be I don’t know how to get over myself?
Improve audio for free
What free video editing app or web based platform do people recoment for Apple ecosystem. I recorded an hour and 10 minute set last night and the audio is good except a slight hum through out so I want to improve the audio before i share it. Thank you for sugestions!!!
New comment Jun 9
Improve audio for free
2 likes • Jun 8
@Mitchell Dong I have a mentor to share it w for review and im going to take imperfect action and post it on you tube
2 likes • Jun 8
CAPCUT did an ok job
How To Add $5K /month To Your Business?
I get this question a lot, "Hey Stephen, how can I add $X /month to my business". It's a fairly generic question -- so my answer is a little generic too: 1) Pick something you love to talk about and do it day to day 2) Then find a problem in that niche that people really suffer from 3) Then solve it a million different ways in daily and weekly content Now, realistically there are so many little details to work out right? but most of them can only be discovered through action. And honestly, if you just tried and pushed forward, all the details and problems would surface pretty quick and you could start to knock them down. One by one. But that unclear path prevents a lot of people from moving forward. That exact thing that keeps people from moving forward is always a little different for everyone. But it's that unknown they face that keeps them stuck. I've stumbled my way around quite a bit in the last few years, but I did keep pushing, on my own without anyone pushing me forward, fear kept me going. I hired a lot of people to help but honestly a lot of it was a waste money. 95% of my coaching investments didn't work out. My niche, the people I serve, my video quality, my products, my ability to articulate myself, my recording studio, my equipment, it all evolved through trial and error. I mean, checkout this ridiculous video (attached) that I posted to LinkedIn a few years back. I show this to prove a point. We evolve, you will evolve, so start now because you have to go through it one way or another. Sometimes I get this question, the one above... "Hey Stephen, how can I add $X /month to my business", from the same people, every year or so. And I start to think, dang, if this person had just actually started a year ago -- things would be so much different NOW. Where would they be? I'm not sure, but further along, I do know that. Yes, the path is not clear, but if you go forward now, in a year things will be so much different. Then a year after that, and so on. But if you don't the future will just look cloudy, ALWAYS.
New comment Jun 11
How To Add $5K /month To Your Business?
3 likes • Jun 8
Dude i freak’n love this video, it speaks to me. I am 9 months into a 12 month group coaching program I went into $10,000 in debt for and I really want it to be worth it!!! Hilarious how you say lets face it we live in a digital world and you have a chess board and a record player behind you. Then later in the video it seemed your audience for the clip are folks that would be into those things so, was it intentional or coincidence I wonder:)
The Myth, Mistake and REAL Opportunity of Content & Social Media
I think a lot of people (not all) are keen to the opportunity of social media and content. But it's a myth that you just need to "start" and get going, and that it'll all unfold for you. Yea, if you're stuck, or procrastinating it's a smart move to just get going. But the mistake so many new and experienced entrepreneurs make is just checking the box. Social media, content, video—it's not an opportunity if you just check the box to say you're "doing it". There are so many people competitively trying to out do you, to capture the attention you say you want. The real opportunity is to go deep on what you're trying to do. Don't just set out to make a YouTube channel, make the BEST YouTube channel. Don't just make a community, make the BEST community. Don't just make a newsletter, make the BEST newsletter. You get the idea. If you don't go deep, you'll likely just scratch the surface, spread yourself thin, and make zero impact. I fall victim to this myself. Do you really want to make something unique and interesting? Doing something big can be scary, so sometimes we don't REALLY try. Is there something big you want to do? do you find yourself sometimes just poking around the edge and not really doing it? or just thinking about it? or doing too many things to make a real impact? What is it? share in the comments what you really want to go deep on. And what's your plan? what's your commitment?
New comment Feb 16
0 likes • Feb 10
@Paul Cowen thank you for the perspective. There is plenty of hand holding on both courses, however It requires I clear time in my schedule to make use of it. I imagine my self buckling down as though I’m in college, I need to set hours and set up child care and a meal plan. I’m in the middle of renovating my home to increase my income through adding another rental unit to my property I need to wrap that up first in the next month if possible then buckle down with a set schedule for the course work.
0 likes • Feb 16
@Paul Cowen is one year. In 6 months into one and three months into the other. I appreciate your responses.
The #1 Secret To Scale Content Production & Distribution
I get asked a lot what the most valuable thing I've learned from trying to scale content. It's a great question because there are so many fun tools out there, like ChatGPT, and Placid(dot)App, and Opus Clips that are coming out to help us with content creation. But without organization, none of these tools will help you reach scale (at least without a lot of chaos in the process). So I created this quick video to highlight why automated organization is so important. Hope you enjoy →
New comment Jan 12
The #1 Secret To Scale Content Production & Distribution
1 like • Jan 10
Fear of not being good enough and not having a cohesive message. It’s like when I press record it doesn’t land the way it does when I’m producing in the moment for the love of it. I also have many interests and not a central focus. So it seems like I need to home in before I produce, at least that is what I think I hear everyone telling me. I have a back log of creativity and content to be edited that I don’t know when I will ever do something with it. It seems to be a lot of work to get things to the level that I feel good about sharing them.
1 like • Jan 12
@Stephen G. Pope thank you for this!
1-10 of 10
Jesse Kalapa
10points to level up
Discovering gratitude through movement and sound. Somatic approach to solving entrepreneurs challenges. Drumming, dance, meditation, improvisation.

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Joined Oct 24, 2023
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