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GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey

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29 contributions to GoHighLevel w/ Robb Bailey
Common Objections - (DBR)
What objections commonly arise when cold-calling companies, particularly when introducing DBR as your service ?
New comment 6d ago
0 likes • 7d
Ask the right questions and use math logic! You shouldn't have too many, "objections."
Issue getting traction with DBR Clients
I’ve noticed that many owners in the home services niche do not have lists of dead leads organized very well. Also, it seems like they have a deep misconception of what I can do differently than what they’ve already attempted. I notice many of them don’t follow up with leads, and consider them dead if they don’t buy immediately. Any advice on how to properly sell the DBR?
New comment Mar 20
1 like • Mar 20
I can sorta vouch for this. This is common in the roofing industry: A company gets a lead. They either sell a roof replacement/repair or they don't. The lead either went with them, went with someone else, or never purchased/got their issue resolved. If they have a database of folks that made a large purchase, such as a roof, then it wouldn't really do them much good to send them an offer for a new roof. So, that is a segment you wouldn't want to focus least with that offer. If you want to target folks that purchased a roof, then target them with a referral campaign -- anyone they refer that gets a roof from you, gets $100, etc. Or, can you cross-sell them other services? Maybe you can partner with other service providers (HVAC, plumbing, etc.) and work out some sort of joint venture. You could be the joint venture partner, promoting deals from other service providers to those that purchased a roof. You collect a lead/appointment/sale fee per transaction. If they went with someone else, then you will experience the same thing, but will not have the ability to run a campaign as suggested above. Why would they suggest your company over the one that put their new roof on? So, spend as little time with these leads as possible. If they have yet to purchase/resolve their roofing issues, then this is the list you want to target the most. 9 times out of 10, life just got busy and they simply forgot or haven't had the time to get back with anyone. Effective follow-up and communication is key here (offer a nurturing program for this segment). Also, if you have access to any financing you can offer, then offer that! That will give you a competitive advantage over those that don't offer it. Most folks don't have $8,000-$10,000+ sitting in their bank, so they either have to rely on an insurance claim (good luck!) or some other cash-procurement alternative. That being said, you could probably lead and base your offer on making it easier for them to purchase by offering financing.
1 like • Mar 20
Also, as @Sovanmony Khieng mentioned, make sure you're asking the right questions when presenting this. Robb and his crew have several videos on how to offer this. I've always used math logic, so that approach he has is a good resource to help. You can find his video here: Asking the right questions, in the right order, will guide them into realizing it persuasion needing on your part. Basically, use math logic to show them how much money they're losing by not contacting these leads, and how much they could gain if they did. This is where the right questioning comes in and you can get an actual feel for the numbers. It also paints a picture of all the money they're losing out on just because they got lazy in following-up with leads...sold or unsold.
Proven offers for home repair services?
Does anyone know some easy to implement proven offers for home repair services?
New comment Mar 21
0 likes • Mar 18
Hey, John! It would depend. I have a few posts here in the group that discuss how you can target and work with those in this industry. Usually, for home services (especially the repair sector), sending out a SMS or email to someone that has had a previous repair done would be best suited for a $_____ OFF-type offer for 1. any repairs they may currently need (not related to the previous repair)...or, 2. an upgrade or remodel Initially, these homeowners, more than likely, Googled the contractor (as most do in emergency or repair-type situations). So, if it's an emergency-type situation, they're most likely not just sitting around waiting for a deal or coupon to hit their inbox. If you're wanting to target repairs (that aren't considered an, "emergency"), but it's something that still needs to be fixed, then a SMS/email offer would be better suited. Think folks that have older roofs, older HVAC systems, etc. They need this stuff; they're just not necessarily aware they do. They normally need some nurturing or some type of consultation...meaning, make sure the sales process is on-point, or you will be blamed for, "bad leads." Home upgrades/remodels are also a different sector. These are the folks that aren't in any need to "repair" anything...they just want something new. These will be your kitchen/bath folks....folks wanting a new deck/patio/sunroom. They normally have more disposable income, and are often much easier to deal with. Also, if you're working with contractors and you/they want to reach out to their current database of customers, a FREE Home Inspection would be a great offer. They took care of them before, so they should offer that same trustworthiness for other parts of the home. If that doesn't work financially for your clients, then I refer you back to the original comment of offering $______ OFF. This could be for an inspection or actual services. You could also add an additional offer: if they're not in the market or need for anything, then offer them a referral fee for anyone they know that does. Make sure these customers are/were happy with the contractor's services, though.
0 likes • Mar 20
@John Richter most aspects in the home services industry are lacking in the market. It is the responsibility of the service provider to educate their current, as well as, potential customers of their current or soon-to-be issues, as it relates to the service provider's scope-of-services. So, yes, I would suggest letting them know of any current or potential issues they may experience if they do not take action now! The only action they have to take is to say, "yes" to a free (or discounted) inspection. "Free" will get you more responses. Two options here: 1. Offer a FREE Inspection w/$_____ OFF if they purchase within _____ days, or 2. Offer a discounted inspection. If a sale is made, deduct the amount of the inspection from the sale price. So, essentially, it would be a FREE inspection for them (but only if they purchased from you, the service provider). And, yes, offer financing if you have it available! That makes a WORLD of difference. Some may not need it, but I've made many a sale because I was the only one offering financing at the time (roofing industry). Hope this helps!
I summon the BAN HAMMER!
Sounds like they’re sharing a GHL account or something fishy.
New comment Mar 23
1 like • Mar 18
@Mark Mage Needs to have his current accounts shut down and be banned from GHL, as well.
💸 Y’all want a GHL AI sneak peek? 💸
High Level folks reached out to me to show me the new AI goods they’ve developed in house… / This will be a native feature they will offer on every account (plenty of 3rd party integrations out there already). I have it on good authority there’s 1 key feature y’all will really love ya can’t find anywhere else. Once it’s ready to go you can start selling it immediately of course. I can’t show it to ya live, but they said it’s cool for me to spill the beans for you after I get an early demo. Would that be a useful share so you could get a head start on it before everyone else? 👇👇👇 photo is our last meal in San Diego before we fly home tomorrow 🌮🌮🌮 i ate my weight in tacos past 3 weeks!
New comment Sep '23
4 likes • Aug '23
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