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27 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer School
For the healers in the group
I know you want to help more people heal and achieve a state of freedom from pain and suffering. But getting people to listen or even trust that they can heal with your services, can be a challenging journey. Here's the great news: there's one simple shift that if you make, it will allow you to impact more lives. And it's not getting more marketing coaching or business coaching for that matter. I talk about it in this recorded session I've had last week:
New comment May 14
For the healers in the group
1 like β€’ May 14
@Sebastian Holle cool, looking forward to your thoughts
0 likes β€’ May 14
@Sebastian Holle cool! Let’s connect. Will send over a message
Nobody tells you this about Sales, but they SHOULD
Selling high ticket clients as a coach, consultant, service provider, expert or even healer can be hard. But not necessarily because you might not have the right sales script, but more often than not because you're lacking the right mindset when selling. If you put your prospects on a pedestal you are destined to lose the sale. Do this instead:
Nobody tells you this about Sales, but they SHOULD
Overcome the Fear of Success as a Coach
If you know what you need to do next to get closer to your goals, but you're not really doing it, you're not really committing to it. It's not because you're afraid that you will fail. It's actually because you're secretly afraid that you will succeed and won't be able to handle it. But it doesn't need to be that way. In fact, with just a few small insights you can set yourself free of the fear of success. I helped my client do that in this recorded session and she left the session with a profound sense of confidence. I think you will too:
New comment May 10
Overcome the Fear of Success as a Coach
0 likes β€’ May 10
@Cheryl Pearl Yes, it gives you so much freedom to be aware if it and let it go
My Target Market is reaching out to me offline! (Story)
Hey everyone! πŸ˜„ Guess what? My dentist just reached out to me today with a wild idea – he wants to start a YouTube channel! πŸ¦·πŸ“Ή Now, as he represents my target market so, it was a welcoming conversation indeed and it got me thinking: all the magic he works to calm my dental anxiety could be turned into a fantastic info product! πŸ’‘πŸ’° i hinted to him about that and he got all excited! So, here's the scoop: I'm on a mission to help him kickstart his YouTube journey and I need YOUR help! πŸ™Œ to put up the right sequence that i can then replicate further. What do you think would be the best way to do it? πŸ€” Since my niche is helping professionals and business owners up their YouTube authority game to market their products and services digitally, we've got a solid plan but i need to validate with you all: Should I offer him consulting? πŸ€“ Maybe a crash course in YouTube wizardry? πŸš€ Or should I bring him into our awesome community and let him soak up all the knowledge like a sponge? πŸ§½πŸ’‘ Let's brainstorm together! πŸ§ πŸ’¬ Drop your suggestions below and let's get this dentist-turned-YouTuber on the road to digital stardom! 🌟πŸŽ₯πŸ’ͺ Can't wait to hear your ideas! πŸ€—
New comment Feb 29
My Target Market is reaching out to me offline! (Story)
1 like β€’ Feb 28
@Akassh Ashok Gupta I feel like that’s not a strong enough why :) he could educate his clients through a newsletter. He needs get a bit clearer on why he wants it. Maybe it’s just to be well known, which is fine as long as it’s something that will motivate him long term. Does that make sense? :)
1 like β€’ Feb 29
@Akassh Ashok Gupta yeah, something like that. Get him to think a bit bigger. He will be grateful :)
Can I get your thoughts on this video?
Title: Business Coach Reacts to Billionaire TikToks
New comment Feb 17
Can I get your thoughts on this video?
1 like β€’ Feb 17
@Ivanof Octavian Thank you! :) Yes, I am Romanian too
1-10 of 27
Bogdan Rosu
1point to level up
πŸ’΅ Money & Freedom πŸ˜ƒ Amplifier for Agencies & Experts through the Revolutionary Warrior Shaman System. Martial Arts πŸ₯‹ Teacher. Wolf-dog 🐺 owner

Active 17h ago
Joined Jun 2, 2023
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