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Created by Blake


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Expert Centered Entrepreneurship


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Private ā€¢ 40 ā€¢ Paid

64 contributions to Skool Community
šŸ’° Without Courses
Friends, if you are on the fence about creating a Skool community, there are probably legitimate obstacles preventing you from taking the plunge. In this post, I hope I can convince and encourage you to not only start a Skool community, but Iā€™ll show you how to build a real, viable business, focusing on your expertise, without creating a course. If you donā€™t know me, I was a music producer for over a decade working with Grammy Winning Artists from all over the world. From there, I started an online education company teaching people how to become music producers. That company grew (and continues to grow) to multi 7 figures. From there, I sold it and then started Kollege, where I find underground talent who want to get paid to do what they love by shifting into online education. I wonā€™t bore you with details, you can listen to the story here when Sam and I met up. After selling thousands of courses, running a cross functional team, and living in the online education world, I am sympathetic to the many challenges and obstacles you need in place in order to make millions of dollars online. Until now, in order to get paid to do what you love online you needed: - Course: An online course with lots of content that got students or clients results - Sales Calls: A stacked calendar constantly selling people into your course - Paid Advertising: Money -> Ads -> VSL -> Survey -> Book a call - Organic Content: YouTube videos, Podcast, Joint Ventures - Team: Sales team, coaches, managers, operators There have been some alternate versions of this that help the creator, educator, or expert in some way. This could look like having a successful YouTube channel so you donā€™t need to run ads. Or you find that there are people willing and able to sell on your behalf so you donā€™t need to be on sales calls. Or you find that a course doesnā€™t sell as well with your industry so you launch a mastermind with some events so you can focus on connecting authentically with people without worrying about selling. While these attempts have been helpful to the industry, you still need to compromise some version of you or some version of your business.
New comment May 9
šŸ’° Without Courses
0 likes ā€¢ Mar 8
@Matt Ludwig nice!
0 likes ā€¢ May 9
@Chase Hollingsworth you bet
Introducing dark mode šŸ•¶ļø
Now you can use skool in dark mode on your computer and phone. Turn it on/off in your settings. It's not as polished as light mode, that's why it's called "Dark mode (beta)". We know a bunch of you want it, so we figured we'd ship it early and get your feedback. Enjoy šŸŽ‰
New comment 7h ago
Introducing dark mode šŸ•¶ļø
5 likes ā€¢ Mar 6
Thanks dude!
Feedback from one of our members who prefers Discord
This may be interesting to the Skool team. This was posted by one of our members who prefers Discord and has been trying Skool, but can't seem to get into it. Parts of that may be because he's 16 or 17 years old and into gaming (so a lot of his friends are on Discord) and he may just not be the ideal target for skool. Parts of his complaints also are caused by less optimal management of our community. This is his post: "When I first joined the DRVN community, I was eager to FINALLY meet some people who were like me. Ambitious. Disciplined. People who had integrity. And was hoping to even find some people who were doing the same thing I was. ( Iā€™m working on a SaaS company and currently make Roblox games, with a bit of YouTube on the side ) But after watching several past recordings, being a part of a group meeting, and checking this site once every few days, Iā€™ve ended up disappointed. Even though everyone in this community is incredibly nice and ambitious, I had yet to find a new friend I had similar interests with. Itā€™s like in school where youā€™re in a class, and you like everyone- but your best friend isnā€™t with you. So for the past few weeks, Iā€™ve just been pretty inactive and just thought maybe Iā€™ll join next week's meeting.. then the next week came around, and I said maybe the next oneā€¦ itā€™s been several weeks now, and I still feel like I SHOULD go, not that I want to go. Soā€¦ instead of continuing this insanity cycle, I thought itā€™d be smart and useful if I just listed everything I would do to revamp this community into a place where Iā€™d want to go and not where I feel like I should go. First things first. Move to Discord. Please. Skool is weird. Let me tell you why. 1) **Twitter Anxiety** It's hard to have a good conversation with anyone. Skool is like Twitter. Everything you post here on Skool, EVERYONE can see. It's like you're making a public statement to the world- which makes me anxious whenever I think of posting something here. But I'm not here to build a community around myself (like what Twitter is for); I'm here to meet like-minded people!
New comment Oct '23
3 likes ā€¢ Oct '23
Younger people donā€™t want things public. They want to hang out in private. This is very insightful and there needs to be a way for Skool to prioritize this.
Blueprints for a biz you may not want vs. Designing your dream biz
@Blake La Grange helps experts do the latter. Learn how you can work with Blake or join his skool. Most info biz "experts" sell blueprints for businesses we may not want to run. But every person has different needs, constraints, and styles for running their business just as they would a home. This is the contrast I keep seeing between the holistic marketing world I was trained in and the info biz marketing tools being sold. Marketers should be brought in to assess, diagnose, and develop a marketing strategy that INFORMS the tactics and tools chosen. They are expert consultants who understand the full suite of tactics available but also understand the client's needs and can identify the right problems to solve so they can create a custom solution for that client's situation. Some firms specialize in specific tactics like PR, media buying, SEO, social, partnerships, etc. but businesses should only go to them once they determine their holistic strategy and know where a specific tactic fits in. But barely anyone is selling marketing strategy in this online info space. That's where @Blake La Grange is different. He's not someone who sells you random tactics based on the strategy that worked for him. He understands all the tactics (or has experts who do) but, more importantly, he cares about the person running the business... The impact you want to have, your style and personality, the life you want to live, and how you want your business to fit in. I was a strategic marketer who spent 15+ years in corporate marketing and he's the only person I've met in this world who starts from the core (you), cares about doing root cause analysis, AND understands fundamental biz & marketing strategy. This is why I trust he can help people come up with strategic solutions tailored to their desires and situation. Don't buy the hammers, saws, and schematics for the 3BR house w/a 2 car garage in the burbs that someone built for their needs when you may want a 2 BR apartment next to a park in the city.
New comment Sep '23
4 likes ā€¢ Sep '23
Much love @Pam Yang, she-her! Very kind of you to say. FWIW: you'd be silly not to work with Pam. She "gets it".
How We Built and Maintain Our 55,000+ Dental Community
More and more people are starting to build communities, and with Skoolā€™s Membership Challenge coming up, I wanted to share some things that we've done to build and maintain the "Disneyland for Dentists" as @Sam Ovens has called it in some of his podcast appearances (linked in the comments below). We run a large Facebook group (we started it before Skool was a thing) in the dental space and currently have 55,000+ US-based dentists in the community. Engagement in the group is constantly around 90% (meaning that ~50k of the 55k members have engaged in the past 60 days). The community was grown 100% organically. Not a single dollar was spent on promotion. Here are the things that we did (and continue to do) to grow the group organically: 1. The most important thing is the quality of the content being shared in the group. This is by far the most important thing. I'd estimate that 70%+ of our group members were invited by someone already in the group. The quality of the content is the main reason someone invites someone else to join that group. There are no shortcuts here other than being consistent with great content. We posted daily for several years and now mix in new content and recycle our old posts as we've been at it for 5+ years. A ton of incredible content gets buried in the past posts so it's beneficial for new members to start recycling it after about 6 months of posting. 2. We contacted "all-stars" in the group and asked if they'd post regularly. If they agreed, we assigned them a day of the week. We have had dozens of incredible group members posting once per week on their scheduled day for years. These people come and go, but we always have an excellent rotation of group members consistently posting in the group. This helps to have great content from other people rather than from admins. This also encourages other group members to post and engage as it's more of a community sharing ideas rather than top-down from the leaders.
New comment Jun 18
1 like ā€¢ Sep '23
@Brent C bro I only say good about you. Youā€™re the man.
1-10 of 64
Blake La Grange
1,432points to level up

Active 9h ago
Joined Dec 5, 2019
La Jolla, CA | New York, NY
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