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46 contributions to Skool Community
This 20-year old made $57k in 30 Days on Skool
After grinding on Skool for over two years with two failed groups and no money to show for it, @Kai Nemzer launched a new community that hit $57k in one month — and won the Skool Games. In this rollercoaster conversation, we talk about: - The one tweak he made that changed everything - Why his parents being therapists helped him get a billion views - Going all-in on YouTube instead of going to college - How insane amounts of failure and pain helped him (eventually) win - And the cheat codes he wishes he had known when starting off. Enjoy! P.S. Huge thanks to Previous Games Winner @Daniel Bissonnette for co-hosting this episode with me!
New comment 10d ago
This 20-year old made $57k in 30 Days on Skool
2 likes • 10d
@Kai Nemzer you're welcome!
1 like • 10d
@Matthew Thompson 🙏💛
Blueprints for a biz you may not want vs. Designing your dream biz
@Blake La Grange helps experts do the latter. Learn how you can work with Blake or join his skool. Most info biz "experts" sell blueprints for businesses we may not want to run. But every person has different needs, constraints, and styles for running their business just as they would a home. This is the contrast I keep seeing between the holistic marketing world I was trained in and the info biz marketing tools being sold. Marketers should be brought in to assess, diagnose, and develop a marketing strategy that INFORMS the tactics and tools chosen. They are expert consultants who understand the full suite of tactics available but also understand the client's needs and can identify the right problems to solve so they can create a custom solution for that client's situation. Some firms specialize in specific tactics like PR, media buying, SEO, social, partnerships, etc. but businesses should only go to them once they determine their holistic strategy and know where a specific tactic fits in. But barely anyone is selling marketing strategy in this online info space. That's where @Blake La Grange is different. He's not someone who sells you random tactics based on the strategy that worked for him. He understands all the tactics (or has experts who do) but, more importantly, he cares about the person running the business... The impact you want to have, your style and personality, the life you want to live, and how you want your business to fit in. I was a strategic marketer who spent 15+ years in corporate marketing and he's the only person I've met in this world who starts from the core (you), cares about doing root cause analysis, AND understands fundamental biz & marketing strategy. This is why I trust he can help people come up with strategic solutions tailored to their desires and situation. Don't buy the hammers, saws, and schematics for the 3BR house w/a 2 car garage in the burbs that someone built for their needs when you may want a 2 BR apartment next to a park in the city.
New comment Sep '23
0 likes • Sep '23
@Ingi Deutschlander 🥰🥰
Free skool to actually help vs. sell
My free skool is NOT A FUNNEL for my current business and the weekly calls are a highlight of my week. It's the perfect space to do CUSTOMER RESEARCH... understand what people struggle with and what help they're looking for to see if you can create an offer or business around it (or if you have an offer, to make it better). In my free skool I'm looking for people who want to figure out their mission, offer, and positioning to see how I can help them with the expertise I got from being a brand strategist for 15+ years. Too often people talk about their skools as funnels and objects vs a group of humans who are there to learn and who you can get incredible insight from for your business. Good Customer Research gives you all the answers to your offer, positioning, and messaging struggles. Knowing how they talk about their pains and dreams gives you the bulk of your messaging. I was thinking about shifting my business for a while and after learning from @Blake La Grange's approach in this insightful post and his Kollege group, I started it a few weeks and it's so much fun. If you want to have a positive impact on the world and are struggling to figure out your mission and how to talk about it. Join us here -
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
@Danny Mallinder and have fun doing it... assuming one loves what they do 🙂
1 like • Sep '23
@Ed Andrew 🙏🙏 thank you for the kind words, Ed! grateful to you for seeing me and my blockers as well 💛
Looking for Collaborators whose clients are business owners
There's too much wasted energy in this online/info biz world and I'm looking for people who want more collective approaches. I want to focus on the part I can compete with anyone in the world at... Stripping the noise away and getting to the core of any matter. And if that matter is a problem that needs solving, I can formulate a strategy to solve it. For entrepreneur clients, this translates into helping them... 1. Clarify their mission and vision for their life and business then building a strategic plan that guides decision making so they live the lives they want 2. Identifying their mental, emotional, and behavioral blockers then helping them figure out how to remove them 3. Understanding the problem their ideal client actually wants help solving then building a solution that helps them solve it 4. Understanding people's hopes, pains, dreams, and life experiences then using that to position a solution and message an offer If these are things you don't want to do or you could be doing better as an offering in your business, I'd love to chat. Or if you're an operator and systems builder and just want to do that, I'd also love to chat. I did the above for 15+ years as a strategist and brand marketer at Nike, ESPN, and startups (consulting). I then turned that into an Executive Coaching practice b/c business & brand strategy for companies is the same as life & brand strategy for humans. I've done that for 3 years and will continue, but am exploring working with entrepreneurs again. I'm not interested in rebuilding all the parts (but I did start a free skool to help people with messaging to see if anything interesting comes up). We are each building sales funnels, paying for ads, creating content, starting communities, etc. and there just have to be efficiencies we can create. I'd love to reduce our digital landfills, so if this resonates with you, HMU.
Consistent 50k months, looking for mastermind
Can anyone recommend a good mastermind group with owners doing over 50k/months? Hitting a few hurdles and keen to surround with those pushing well over 100k/months. Thanks in advance for any recommendations 🙏
New comment Aug '23
1 like • Aug '23
best fit will depend on what help you want aside from the environmental effect of being around those folks, but if you're interested in building your business in a sustainable way that makes sense for you (vs following a certain formula), hands down @Blake La Grange. but his 2 programs (edit: MM) aren't always open, so you'll have to join his group or ask him directly.
2 likes • Aug '23
@Scott Pringle i was using program very broadly b/c i think of MMs as programs as well, but i get the distinction you're drawing. 🙃 but talk to Blake! he doesn't do info programs.
1-10 of 46
Pam Yang, she-her
297points to level up
I help people clarify their mission and find Work-Life JOY.

Active 7h ago
Joined Dec 1, 2022
New York
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