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Created by Brent

Quantum Alumni

Private • 112 • Free

A place for past Quantum Mastermind members to collaborate to maximize profits, client results, and happiness.


Helpful Dentist

Private • 3 • Free

Skool Community

Public • 116.4k • Paid


Private • 120 • Free

Private Label Masters - Course

Private • 593 • Paid


Private • 1.3k • Free

Full Stack Writer

Private • 2.2k • Paid

Private • 778 • Free

Lazy Ripped

Private • 1.5k • Free

Digital Dynasty

Public • 450 • Free

70 contributions to Skool Community
Am I getting carpal tunnel from Skool 😅
I have like a weird pain in my left hand, have never typed this much in my life, but not going to let it stop me, I'll just get one of those little braces 🤣
New comment 26d ago
Am I getting carpal tunnel from Skool 😅
3 likes • Jun 26
This mouse is really good if you're having wrist pain:
100k 🌈🍉🌶️🍒🤩
We at HQ wanna celebrate Every single one of you. We arrived at this milestone together, And we couldn’t have done it without you. To begin the celebration, We confidently posed in Our new 100k attack formation Looking forward to the next 100k (A better version of video coming soon…) @Nick Guadagnoli @Jeffrey Buoncristiano @Daniel Bissonnette @Matthew Thompson @Kylee Irwin-Paz @Nav Pabla
New comment 3d ago
100k 🌈🍉🌶️🍒🤩
3 likes • Jun 26
Congrats Skool team!
How To Make Your Community THE BEST
I've been thinking about this for at least a year... and the more I think about it, I'm convinced that the easiest way to make your community THE BEST is to narrow its focus. This isn't about "the riches are in the niches." This is about being able to "give away the farm" inside of your community while NOT reducing the likelihood that someone would invest in your paid course(s)/offerings. If you want to make your community THE BEST (and dominate your niche), spend some time thinking about what single area of your community you could narrow the focus of your community to. For our 55,000+ person dental community, we ONLY talk about clinical tips and techniques. We don't discuss staffing, marketing, buying materials, insurance, patient follow-up, or anything else. So, if you have a community about tennis, try to figure out ONE element of tennis to discuss. Maybe that's serving techniques, mental toughness, tennis-specific fitness, footwork, or how to hit the perfect tweener. Doing this will allow you to give give give and hold NOTHING back. This makes it more likely that you’re helping people in your community. It builds your authority and trust while elevating your chances that people in your community will invest in your course(s)/offer. If you want to brainstorm what your narrow-focused topic could be, leave a comment below with the niche that you're in.
New comment Jun 22
How To Make Your Community THE BEST
0 likes • Jun 21
@Shaun Michael, what's your plan to move the 15k from FB to Skool?
0 likes • Jun 21
@Storm Wishart, great. I hope you got a lot out of it. Are you making any changes with how you're doing things after reading it?
New Feature: One-Time Course Purchases!
This may have unlocked the easiest way for beginners to start making money. You start with a free community. You use it as a lead magnet, making it easier to get your first few members. You build relationships with every member through community, DMs, and calls. You use the free community to become better at your skill. You're positioned as an authority, because you're the creator of the community. You speak to the people in the community, to figure out their problems/goals. Then when the time is right you monetize by charging people one-time. You can use it to unlock a course. Or you can sell a done-for-you service or 1 on 1 coaching which may be easier to sell if you're just getting started. This feature is now released. Check your classroom, it's there. Skool 🚀
New comment 3d ago
New Feature: One-Time Course Purchases!
0 likes • Jun 21
new to the community
Aloha everyone! I'm new to the community and excited to connect with you all! I'm eager to learn and grow, and I'd love to hear your advice and insights on how to succeed on Skool. My goal is to reach the top 10, and I'm open to any tips, suggestions, and experiences you're willing to share. Let's grow together! Please feel free to comment below!
New comment Jun 21
1 like • Jun 19
Here are a couple of posts I've done on this topic: How We Built and Maintain Our 55,000+ Dental Community How To Make Your Community THE BEST I hope you find them helpful. Let me know if you have any questions.
0 likes • Jun 21
@Mareella D'Arcy I’m glad you found it helpful!
1-10 of 70
Brent C
22points to level up
Real estate investor (multi-8-figure real estate portfolio). Community builder (55k member dental community).

Active 2d ago
Joined Dec 7, 2019
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