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Facilitator Club

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10 contributions to Facilitator Club
What worked and what DIDN'T work at AJ&Smart in 2023
Hey Workshoppers! Not sure how many of you here are interested in the "business running" side of the whole facilitation game, but I've been running AJ&Smart for the past 13 years and I occasionally talk about how it's going on my podcast "The Unscheduled CEO". Yeah, another fucking podcast.... It's an unedited, chaotic, messy shit-show of a podcast that I only do as a sort of personal journal (which is why I rarely share it in AJ&Smart's marketing). BUT it could be interesting for you if you're interested in the behind-the-scenes of running a business like AJS. One of the most recent episodes I talk about what went well and what we really fucked up in 2023, might be a good starting point: You can get the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (Spotify, Apple, Google, Overcast, whatever) And please please please don't expect anything polished, this is really a passion project :) Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Feb 7
1 like • Feb 1
@Jonathan Courtney Having just found it, I’ve been binging it since last week. I’m in a particularly busy period at work and life and, as you say in Ep 1, it’s perfect white noise. I pay attention and really enjoy it, but I just throw it on 1x speed and it’s easy on my currently overworked mind and perfectly silly. (The first episode, I had it faster and I found myself skipping once or twice, then caught myself — no, that’s not the vibe!) Edited to say I get lots of insightful stuff from it too. The main topics, CEO talk, and musings are great :)
Breakout Monster LDJ 👹⚡
Hey everybody recording posted! @Graham Thompson needed to practice for his upcoming 60-person LDJ, so we organized a practice session for him. We wanted facilitators and as many participants as possible for this 90-minute practice on Saturday October 28, 2023 at 4:00pm London time (8:00am in LA). We needed a really big wave 🌊 of Jedi Facilitators from this community, and they stepped up to the challenge! Nice to see you 🫵 there!! 🌟✨
New comment Nov '23
Breakout Monster LDJ 👹⚡
2 likes • Nov '23
@David Rovira @Graham Thompson such a helpful experience. Thank you!
1 like • Nov '23
@David Rovira 🤣 Glad it was helpful
[Video] How to run a Team Retrospective
Hey Workshopper’s! We just published a 2 hour session showing you exactly how to use the Sailboat exercise to run a team retrospective. It’s exhaustively detailed and do please let us know if you want more like this in the comments. We’re always trying new things! Cheers, Jonathan
New comment Oct '23
[Video] How to run a Team Retrospective
2 likes • Oct '23
@Jonathan Courtney Seeing the exercise in real time was great. I'd love to see how you start a workshop day. What do you all do as people filter in? How do you start -- introduce yourself, the day, set and get expectations, creating ground rules etc.
Future-proof Yourself
This State of The Union article shows how much influence AJ&Smart has on the "F-world" and gives solid insights on opportunities
New comment Sep '23
1 like • Sep '23
@Eric Bakey Thanks for sharing this! Good way to keep up with the trends, which was one of the most sited challenges. It made me glad to have found this community too. The focus on facilitation skills for any situation is reassuring. Plus, especially with all the marketing and sales training lately, overcoming the other common challenge of finding clients feels more achievable too. As they mentioned several times, though they had a good amount of responses, results are probably skewed in different areas. But it was still a helpful overview, and I look forward for their future reports. Thanks, again!
Any mother out there doing consultancy/freelance
Hey everyone, I lead a design team in a startup in Berlin and I’m currently on maternity leave. I’ll not go back to my job once my leave ends and I’m seriously considering going full facilitation consultancy/freelance. Is there any lady here that has done something like that? I’d love to connect 😊
New comment Sep '23
4 likes • Aug '23
@Carolina Poll Oo, ❤️ this topic. Though I’m on the question side of this thread. I have a toddler and a full time job, and consulting is my 2-3 year goal but it’s still kinda fuzzy because factors like parenting similar to @Hellen Kleine’s question. Any chance of a larger call?
0 likes • Aug '23
@Adamma Stekovics Works for me!
1-10 of 10
Kristi Shumway
1point to level up
Fascinated by people, design, business, science, and their intersections. My purpose: remove communication barriers to human ingenuity.

Active 6d ago
Joined Apr 14, 2023
Kennewick, WA, USA
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