Jonathan Courtney
What worked and what DIDN'T work at AJ&Smart in 2023
What worked and what DIDN'T work at AJ&Smart in 2023
Hey Workshoppers!
Not sure how many of you here are interested in the "business running" side of the whole facilitation game, but I've been running AJ&Smart for the past 13 years and I occasionally talk about how it's going on my podcast "The Unscheduled CEO". Yeah, another fucking podcast....
It's an unedited, chaotic, messy shit-show of a podcast that I only do as a sort of personal journal (which is why I rarely share it in AJ&Smart's marketing). BUT it could be interesting for you if you're interested in the behind-the-scenes of running a business like AJS.
One of the most recent episodes I talk about what went well and what we really fucked up in 2023, might be a good starting point:
You can get the podcast wherever you listen to podcasts (Spotify, Apple, Google, Overcast, whatever)
And please please please don't expect anything polished, this is really a passion project :)
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