Thad Zylka
Amazon in the AI game!
Amazon in the AI game!
Amazon just announced that Q, the company’s AI-powered assistant for businesses and developers, is now available — bringing advanced capabilities to enterprise clients.
The details:
  • Q Developer offers industry-leading code generation, testing, debugging, reasoning, and agents for step-by-step planning.
  • Q Business connects to company data repositories, enabling users to easily get answers, summarize info, analyze trends, and interact with enterprise data.
  • A new Q Apps feature allows non-technical users to create custom AI applications using natural language prompts from company data.
  • AWS VP Dr. Swami Sivasubramanian said Q can help employees become ‘over 80% more productive’ at their jobs.
Why it matters: Amazon may not be the first name that comes to mind in the AI race, but the tech giant's vast resources and extensive reach make it well-positioned to help bring AI to the masses — and fundamentally transform how work gets done across industries.
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