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Always Have a Backup Plan
Hi guys, this is a pretty short post to remember you how much important it is to have a backup plan ready for anything in life. What will you do if you lose your job because your company closes? What do you do if your credit card issuer blocks your card? What you do if you lose your house key? What do you do if hackers delete or put viruses on your blog content? What if your country goes bankrupt and you lose all the money in your country? In short, prepare for the worst. Many times, I found myself in a critical situation. But luckily, I always had a backup plan. Study something to keep ready, put money outside your country in a safe bank, take an online bank account you keep for backup, leave your key without a tag to someone you know, and so on. Did you know that keeping all your money in a single country is a crazy thing, for example? I learned it a few years ago. So take some time and write down your thoughts, and decide a backup plan. Then remember to activate it.
New comment 4d ago
N.B. Must Read. Main Rule for this Community
We have a clear No spam & NO self-promotions policy in this group As Moderator for this Community, I have been receiving many complaints lately from several of our valued members about self-promotions and affiliate promotions and spam via chat, and this is not allowed in here. A lot of the people doing this have also made no contributions to the Community. The main rule in here is that you may not do any self-promotions of affiliate promotions in here either in the main threads, through Chat or in your BIO. Failure to comply with this rule will mean instant removal and being blocked from this Community. If any of our Members have or are being affected with this problem, then please notify me in chat with a copy of the message and I will take care of it. There are many great and helpful people in here and it is all about helping each other. Enjoy your time here.
New comment 4d ago
Welcome to Zamboni Inner Circle (PLEASE READ)
This place is built only for my best followers and students. It's a secret place where we can talk about anything you want. Inside the Product Creation, Affiliate Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Etsy, Mindset, and Self-Publishing sections, you can find my best case studies and lessons, and you are free to post anything regarding those topics: questions, answers, ideas, and more. The more you talk, the more points you get, and the higher you can go to grab my bonus courses or special videos that are only available on this platform. The "General Discussion" area is for talking about whatever we want, marketing-related or not. Until you stay, you will get a lot from this inner circle.
New comment 16h ago
Issues With Customer Avatar. Any Ideas, Please?
Chat's suggested an avatar who's competent with all things tech, yet I know many people aren't - me especially, so I've got issues with speaking to that avatar, such as: will I lose nay non-techies? If I do attract them, how do I then adapt my approach; and would It be wise to do so or risk losing them?
Hello 👋 Everyone, I'm new here
New comment 11h ago
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