James Dean
Using ChatGPT to repurpose valuable replies...
Using ChatGPT to repurpose valuable replies...
Hey team!
Just a quick one.
Recently I have been making a conscious effort to save every single response I have for questions I get from my 'tribe'. I like to spend a bit of time answering questions and providing thoughtful and life-changing answers to questions.
Rather than letting these answers disappear I like to save them to a Notion database - 1) so I can easily find them again should someone ask a very similar question in the future 2) it's my intellectual property, no point losing all the time and effort I put into the responses 🤷‍♂️
I've also been copying all of these replies into ChatGPT (using specific prompts) and asking it to not only summarise the responses but create social media content, quotes, articles etc from them.
  • It's my work. My words. My heart-felt authentic responses. Not something fabricated from scratch.
  • I don't have to spend time coming up with tweets or instagram posts. I've already done it by responding to my community.
  • It's super easy, takes literally a few mins to copy them across.
Hope it helps!
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