Nov '22 (edited) in Other
¿Should I change my path? Part 2: What I did and how it went😉
Hey people!
Hope you're all doing great ;)
First, I want to thank all of you who helped me some weeks ago with my decision, I really appreciate it
I decided to follow my gut and went with personal branding, and it is one of the best decisions I've ever made
A personal brand is the biggest asset you can have in 2022. Period.
As Naval said: “There are almost 7B people on this planet. Someday, I hope, there will be almost 7B companies.”
It gives you:
  • Accountability
  • Leverage thanks to the content you create
  • Self-awareness (this is a big one)
  • A community of like-minded people
And my favourite, it makes work something you love doing
So, if you haven't thought about it, know you're missing out. Start now and productize yourself.
I promise it'll change your life, just as it changed mine
At first, you need to choose just one platform and stick with it until you have a big audience
For that, I chose Twitter since I believe it is the most beginner-friendly platform
I put out my first piece of content on October 5th, and I've created 454 pieces more since
At first, I didn't see almost any growth (I reached 15 followers in the first two weeks), but now I've gained more than 110 followers in just two weeks
It is a slow but steady growth, but it is the one that I choose to have. I don't want to create viral but valueless threads, as I rather build a small community of like-minded people than a big but meaningless fandom.
Never less, I am starting to see the result of the compound effect.
At first, you suck, and the best thing you can do is acknowledge it. Your growth will be slow, and you'll feel like you are talking to a wall. But you need to keep learning, keep creating and keep pushing.
Then time pass, and you learn from bigger accounts, discover skills like copywriting and storytelling, and a whole new world appears in front of you. You start to suck less and more and more people start to see and appreciate your work.
A hack you need to know: At first, what you need most is attention, so focus on engaging with others and replying to their content. I promise you it'll boost your growth
Now I've discovered people like Dan Koe (who really changed my mindset on solopreneurship) and Dickie Bush (whose 2-year test and 4A framework transform my brand and content)
As Alex Hormozi puts it: "If you don't quit, you can't fail"
So that's it, it has ended up longer than I expected (sorry😅), but I want to explain all well, so it can help any of you to start taking action too
Now, I need to keep walking the walk, always having clear the direction I'm going and hope that more awesome people join me on this journey
Hope it helps and I'd love to talk if someone wants to😉
Lola Mure
¿Should I change my path? Part 2: What I did and how it went😉
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