Fractional Ownership
I just watched the new Colin and Samir video titled 'Why MrBeast should sell his channel' about Fractional Ownership.
I can recommend the video for all creators interested in new and creative ways to monetise, and I can recommend their whole channel for when you're looking for a good mix of entertainment, but still on topic to the creator economy.
I liked the video for two reasons.
First, it got me thinking about ways we can all collaborate together on one project as a community. I'm still in the really early days with this thought, and I have no idea how it would pan out in reality, but I think something really fun and rewarding could happen with the most active members of this community. The newsletter is step 1 on this process.
Second, it taught me a lesson about thumbnails and titles. If I had to summarise YouTube success in a few words it would be this: Make videos people want. In Colin and Samir's example, not many people think they want to watch videos about Fractional Ownership, but lots of people want to watch videos about MrBeast.
I think I need to do a better job at tailoring my videos to be more aligned with what people want. I recently recorded a video about 'How To Be Consistent', but I think it would do even better if it was titled something like 'How Is Ali Abdaal / Graham Stephan So Consistent!?" Same contents, but framed in a way that people want.
So a really important question for us all to ask is: what content to people want? Where is attention?
I made a list:
  1. Big YouTubers
  2. Celebrities / Actors / Movies
  3. Web 3 / Crypto
  4. Politics
  5. News
I'm wondering what would happen if 95% of videos I made had a theme related to the above.
Charisma on Command grew their channel using Celebrity clickbait, but I don't watch any movies/know about celebrities.
Web3 could definitely fit into the occasional piece of my content. E.g. Web3 for content creators, or if I'm making a video about staying focused, I can use Web3 as an example of a distraction that eats attention.
Politics - fuck that.
News - fuck that.
So I'm left with number 1. Which works with me because it's relevant to my niche, and I watch YouTube so know what's going on.
Let me know what you think.
Andrew Kirby
Fractional Ownership
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