Creating a good #voiceover demo is a challenge for many #voiceoverartist. A decade ago most #voiceactor would have never even attempted it. We were told to go and pay a “real professional” to get it done. A decade ago you would have spent upwards of $5K to get a 60-second commercial voice-over demo.
I have said since the beginning of my career that 2 things would happen and people literally laughed at me. Now it has all come true. What I said over a decade ago was…
The home studio would become huge and king
Every voiceover artists needs to become something of an audio engineer
Now when it comes to your demo. I want you to think about this. If a “professional demo maker” makes your demo and you put it out to the world then you are saying that you can produce that same exact sound.
Could you?
If you are just getting into voice over then you want to make sure that the demo that you put out there is completely reflective of what you can produce. Now, this process of demo creation is simple but not easy. But I am firm on my stance that you should be able to produce your own commercial voice-over demo.
You can learn to do this and I will show you how. What we will do is…
🚀 Come up with an original script written just for you
🚀 5-8 scripts that can show your range and talent
🚀 I will help you do your professional read so that it is spot on
🚀 Together we will edit and master that demo
All of this will be recorded just for you on video using your DAW so that you can always refer to it to create great audio every time.
I truly want you to get over this hump of creating your demo and lose the fear of it now sounding right. The total process of us working together to…
🚀 Come up with an original script written just for you
🚀 5-8 scripts that can show your range and talent
🚀 I will help you do your professional read so that it is spot on
🚀 Together we will edit and master that demo
All of this will be recorded just for you on video using your DAW so that you can always refer to it to create great audio every time.
This will take 2-4 hours of us working together spread out over 2 to 4 sessions on video. The great part about all of this is the price. It’s not $5,000+
It will only cost you $297 and the education you get from all of this will put you light years ahead of where you are now.
DM me and let’s get this started 🙂