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Steps To Voice Over Success

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226 contributions to Steps To Voice Over Success
As new beginnings approach
As we enter the final hours of our time here and as we all are better than when we arrived, I look forward to the future. We have gained tools that will allow all of us to enjoy success as we move onward. No matter where we go , regardless of the manner in which ( the who what when wheres and whys) we will always be here for each other and always share this bond . I personally look forward to the day I watch TV, the radio etc,,and hear each and everyone I've learned here with. I am always here and available for anyone who needs me Wether at the Facebook page, the new Saturday zoom or via email ( Grace and Peace to all...
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
The new AmA even with less people was still full of information, laughter and learning. We saw where Michael put a lot of time and effort into the first meeting. And look for what we need to grow our businesses as voice actors. For the most part as always Earl knew what would possible happen, that there were people in the group that would grind on. And Michael and Penny (Who started the face book Group.) Have lead the way. I for one applaud them for all they have put in to start the group.😊
Old ghost
I ran across some old mp3's when I was working with one of my old coaches Jim Conlin. Finny I don;t sound to different from then.
Since I started learning voice over work. I've had three coaches, The first one passed a few years back. But when I was working with her she was going strong at 80 plus years old. The second one who I worked with the longest. Just closed his studio a few months back. I still see and chat with him on Face book. The third one I asked when was he coming to Houston. And a month later he announced he was coming to Dallas. I even paid him to make my Demo. I still have his number and see him on my Face book page as well. But we haven't said a word to each other in years. They all have their strong points that I picked up and still use today. But I hadn't done much until I ran across Earl's videos, I can't remember which one that started me thinking it's time to get back to work. And for the most part it's not impotent which one it was. One of them spoke to me and next thing I know I found myself in the hunt to work and lost in the weeds but looking to win. Earl has something my three other coaches didn't have. And that is a message that if you fight to win you will win. And now he's set up a small group of us to follow in his foot steps to win. This is not the end, but a beginning for those who want it. Like I said I can never take anything away from the other coaches. But Earl stand out from them.
New comment May '23
Today was the last AmA with Earl. Two things. One you will never really know how much you effect a person. Even when you tell them, Earl in the short time I've been with him and the group. I have done more in the short time I've been with him. There aren't enough words in the English language to express the thanks for helping me move forward with my career....Business as a voice over artiest. And two he as said somethings that will be like a hard kick in your stomach. But sometimes you need that person in your life who can tell you what you need to hear so you can move on to do what you really want to do. This was the last one with him, because like the saying goes, he's work was done and it's time to move on. and we will follow him as we work om our own journeys. And he'll be right there look over our shoulders. And whispering a fine point or two. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE. AND AS ALWAYS YOU KNOW IF YOU NEED ANY OF US WE HAVE YOUR BACK .😊
New comment May '23
4 likes • May '23
@Greg Cooper Really it's just the beginning..
At one of the AmA's Earl talked about finding work in your area. Talk to people and tell them what you do. Go to small business gatherings and talk to other business owners (My learned experience) and then about your voice over business. Not comfortable with that one cousin Who I found out about through Ancestry co Wrote a book. Talked to her offered to do a trailer for her for free and explained how for me it would be practice. But for her I would post it on Face book ( free advertisement for her), before I finished she e-mailed me a photo of the back of her book. Next person was my sister-in- law. Her sister wrote and published a book. I couldn't get a hold of her. So I talked to my sister-in- law Short answer is I've put the finishing touch on it and will be posting It on my Face book page. Why on my page? I'm starting there and show ceasing my work. But if she contacts me and ask to put it on her page or where ever. I'm still show casing my work and Face book you'll see Adds for promoting books. I'm doing the same thing but I'm showing my work not just asking who wants to have their book promoted. And the last one is I called a long time friend with the idea of doing a comical promo for his business. while talking to him, he stopped me and then put us on a three way call with someone he works with. And bingo! I got my first paying gag. So why did I title this discovering? Because I discovered I like hunting for work. And with that thought I'm am looking at one old hunting ground, Email production companies and letting them know I'm here right in their back yard. And the pay to play web sights. I've also discovered that it's not busy work, and for some they might think is hunting for small game. I'll take a dozen small game while looking for the big one.
New comment May '23
1-10 of 226
Bill Freeman Jr.
1,101points to level up
At present I not working after a Stroke that has left me left side not fully functioning. So, this my next step in relearning things.

Active 523d ago
Joined Dec 9, 2022
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