Well as I'm sure most now are aware and many others will be learning , we are moving forward. This honor that has been bestowed upon me is not taken lightly so to all who read this I am grateful of your trust. IF YOU ARE READY SO AM I.... SO LETS GO!!!!
With the group closing effectively on the 22nd of the month allow me to share the well planned contingency as we push forward.
has created our Facebook home. this is where we will continue our posts, script postings and demo reels.. Ask and answer all questions. share what we have learned OUR wins Our losses And EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN.. Everyone is welcome, the group is private so click the supplied link and COME ON IN!!! let me extend the warm wish of welcome to our new home upon your arrival.
As mentioned previously I will be starting THE WELL MODERATED VO Q & A
This will be the new Saturday educational, suggestion and learning session. with a Michael special sauce applied ( because would demand nothing less ) everything I have learned I will share, all the tech, experiences networking and aquisition experiences. equipment review and techniques. You ask I will answer, and if I don't have an answer WE WILL find it together.
The link will be posted in the new group. EACH AND EVERY SATURDAY 1 PM ON ZOOM STARTING MAY 20TH 2023 ( LINK PROVIDED BELOW) AND FOR THOSE WHO MAY FEEL IT NECESSARY FOR WHATEVER REASON ( DOESNT MATTER N I DONT CARE WHAT IT IS) I if you need a private 1 to 1 those are available as well.. I REFUSE TO LEAVE ANYONE IN THE COLD I am not just here for you, I am here with you!!!!
Please excuse the extra long post , but I wanted to get it all out. any questions respond here , in the group or message me privately here.... WE WILL CONTINUE TO #GADQ
Michael Ray
Steps To Voice Over Success
You want to learn about your gear, learn how to edit and process audio, and of course, how to grow your client base. We tackle it all here. Welcome!
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