Managing Covered Call positions
Since many in our group use covered calls for generating monthly income, I thought it would be a good topic to discuss and learn from each other, especially from I am also tagging and since they had posted questions on that.
I have a number of TLT lots and keep adding. I am short calls against some of my shares. Specifically, I have a call $91 strike and another one $92 strike expiring next week. I am content with shares taken away, that was the original plan. However, looking at price action on bonds I think probability of them going lower is less than going higher. With that in mind I decided to roll my strikes up by $1.
I've been filled on 92 -> 93 roll and am waiting for the 91 -> 92. Math behind it:
I have paid .20 on 92 -> 93 roll. This is a bullish bet. I give myself a chance to get .80 paying .20. In other words, I am adding money to the position as it goes my direction.
Question to all: how do you guys decide on your action when the covered call is in the money approaching expiration?
Leon K
Managing Covered Call positions
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