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AI Leadership Happy Hour is happening in 7 days
Super Learning Saturday! Congrats to our newest Certified AI Bot Builders!
Happy Saturday! Today in the AI Leadership Institute, I am so excited to award our latest certification to those who have completed the AI Bot Building Course! If you think your name is missing, just send me a note! Let's celebrate the accomplishments of this amazing group! Congratulations everyone! @Monique Escamilla @Eva Aning @Mauricio Lopez @Marcus Knighton @Oscar Sosa @Sandrine Mujinga @Mattew Londono @Talisha Shine @Sarah Lloyd @Uvika Sharma @Padmini Soni
New comment 3d ago
Super Learning Saturday! Congrats to our newest Certified AI Bot Builders!
🌟 START HERE- Welcome to the I❤️ AI Community! 🌟
Hello New Members! Please read the entire post! You've joined a dynamic AI community, and we're thrilled to have you. Introduce Yourself! In the comments, share: 1. Your Background: Quick intro about yourself. 2. AI Interests: What excites you in AI? 3. Goals: What you aim to learn and contribute here. Next Steps: - Start LEARNING! - Understand the rules: No promotional posts (that means no pitching), only post good and valuable content to help your peers learn and grow, be kind, act with integrity and be respectful in the community. There is a zero-tolerance policy against pitching, self promotion and/or spammy posts. We ban first, ask questions later. Only post valuable content that you know the community will be grateful for. - Start liking and commenting on members posts - Participate in Events and Challenges. - Engage with our community through Discussions and Activities. We’re excited to see your introduction and have you as part of our AI journey! 👇 Say Hi Here 👇
New comment 4h ago
Community Guidelines for Mindful and Respectful Engagement
Welcome to our vibrant community of learners and leaders! As we grow, I thought it would be good to clarify our community guidelines. If you see something, say something. Report any violations by selecting the post and reporting it to our moderators. To ensure our space remains a beacon of growth, kindness, and mutual respect, please adhere to the following principles: 1. No Promotional Content: Our community thrives on genuine knowledge exchange. To maintain this environment, we strictly prohibit promotional posts, pitches, or any form of self-promotion. Our focus is on learning, not selling. 2. Value Above All: Before sharing, ask yourself if your content enriches our community. Share insights, experiences, and knowledge that can help peers learn and grow. Content should inspire innovation, provide practical advice, and foster an inclusive atmosphere. DO NOT use AI Generation tools to mass produce content in this community, just speak from your experience and your heart. Authentic communications only. 3. Kindness and Respect: Embrace empathy, compassion, and respect in every interaction. Understand that behind each post and comment is a person striving to learn and improve. Treat others with the kindness and dignity they deserve. 4. Integrity in Action: Act with integrity and honesty. Your contributions should reflect congruency in thoughts, words, and actions, fostering a community built on trust and transparency. 5. Zero-Tolerance Policy: We have a zero-tolerance policy for pitching, self-promotion, and spammy posts (including post written by AI tools). Our community prioritizes safety and respect, and as such, we enforce this rule strictly. Violators will be banned without prior warning to protect the integrity of our shared space. By joining our community, you commit to being a “Lamplighter”—a beacon of love, ambition, mindfulness, purpose, and leadership. Together, we can illuminate the path to a more inclusive, innovative, and responsible world. Thank you for contributing to a space where technology leaders can thrive, innovate responsibly, and lead with a heart of service.
New comment May 17
Your AI Destination Awaits🛳️
As @Noelle Russell has set sail on the high seas, I’d thought we too could cruise into the weekend with a little fun of our own. Generate and share your favorite vacation destination. Mine is 👇🏽.
New comment 5h ago
AI Dream Job! Tell me Yours!
What role would you want if you could wave a magic wand and have the career of your dreams in the world of AI? Think big and share with the community! You never know who could be in this room that can help make that dream a reality. Drop your dream job below.
New comment 5h ago
AI Dream Job! Tell me Yours!
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I ❤️ AI Community
Free community where we show you how to amplify your productivity with responsible AI!
Unlock AI's potential for your career and business!
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