The Importance of Visualising Conversations!
"Turning thoughts into words sharpens reasoning. What's fuzzy in your head is clear on the page"-Adam Grant
Reading this made me think of one of the core principles of workshopping which is explained in detail in our Workshopper Master Program at AJ&Smart
⭐️Core Principle 2: Discussions are Visualised⭐️
⚡️It can be very difficult for a group of people to keep more than a few pieces of information/data in their heads at once.
⚡️The Facilitators job is to remove this burden by helping a group visualise conversations in a standardised way.
⚡️This means helping individuals to capture and visualise relevant information (writing/drawing ideas on post-its and placing them on the wall/whiteboard in a structured way) that can be recalled later on in the workshop.
⚡️Visualising conversations also allows the more shyer members of a group share their thoughts and ideas.
I love this illustration by PJ Milani (@milanicreative on instagram).
I feel it highlights the importance of using writing as a tool for thinking and how necessary it is to visualise conversations during workshops.
I would love to hear what you think about this in the comments 🙂
What other benefits can visualising conversations during workshops/meetings have?
Rebecca Courtney
The Importance of Visualising Conversations!
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