Evergreen Every Day question - Reuse, Repurpose, Repackage for time-sensitive stuff
I've hosted a virtual retreat for the past 4 years as low ticket lead generation for my premium program. The sessions are all really good & have a lot of value. But because they were mostly live, there's a lot of 'live' time-sensitive stuff like 'sign up for the bonus day' or 'get this bonus when you enroll on the premium program now' etc. If I want to reuse, repurpose, repackage these, should I edit the slides & rerecord them? As much as that'll be a lot of work, I think that'll be quicker than editing all the existing videos to remove any trace of the time-sensitive stuff! Or, do I leave it all in, keep the buzz of he original live recordings, and add a text note like 'The offer mentioned has ended but you can still join premium program here'?