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How would you market self study vs. certification full support?
I'd love your input if you're in the coaching industry or really anyone who is a purchaser of products! I have a high ticket life coaching certification program (5K) that I've been running for years, but starting in 2023 sales went south. I wasn't sure why but it seems like a lot of people were struggling with high ticket sales so I chalked it up to that (but I'm still investigating). I've created a self study version of my life coaching program at a lower price (2K). It does not include actual certification, life calls or group support. It is truly self study. Do I only market self study now or do I create a sales page that offers 2 paths and someone could choose self study (2K) or certification (5K)? How would you market this? Thank you!
New comment 2d ago
Is a 5 day Micro Program too much as a freebie?
Hi there, I finished Champagne Clients and have a couple of questions. I would really appreciate any thoughts you could share!🙏 I am a certified holistic nutrition coach (and a mindfulness coach in training). I want to help high-achieving women in stressful jobs who primarily struggle with loss of energy, digestive issues (like bloating, etc.), and difficulty concentrating. Secondly, I aim to address other health issues like susceptibility to infections due to stress hormones. BTW, I live in Germany and want to do this only in German, so sorry if some grammar is wrong😇 1. Question: I figure you boss babes are maybe kind of my Champagne Client🥂. Are these issues you experience yourself? They were and are problems I experienced over the last few years with a highly stressful 50-hour/week fulltime job and building a side hustle. But maybe I am missing some point? If you can resonate: What is a problem you have not been able to solve on your own or is challenging for you? 2. Question: I thought of a micro 5-day program as a freebie and wonder if that is too much and too long? I took a German online course, and they said that a freebie should always be super easy, like a PDF or checklist. The program would focus on getting the behavior started to drink more water by sending daily emails for 5 days. The freebie would also give a handful of recipes and one anti-stress exercise. My goal is that my dream client can really have some form of transformation and see how I work (my bigger program is not yet developed but will focus on getting more energy and calming stress hormones through nutrition and nervous system-calming exercises). But at the same time I Do not want to overwhealm them.... 💜Thank you so much for your time, and I would greatly appreciate your help!🤗
New comment 2d ago
Being active in a community to be rewarded?
Now that I am in 5 different Skool communities, I am already overwhelmed with "having" to interact and post just in order to get access to the locked videos/courses. If this is just the beginning of Skool, soon there will be tons of communities for everything, like on Facebook. How is this going to work out for users? My opinion: I would rather pay a fee to get direct access to courses and videos than spend time. For a hobby topic it might be different. I might indulge in comments and interaction, but for business ? Would be interested about your opinions/experiences on this.
New comment 4d ago
Imposter reality?
I'm interested to know your thoughts on imposter syndrome and when in fact it is actually the reality of the situation? For example, when I first started online, I labelled myself as a coach. I drank the Kool aid about you don't need to be a trained coach to make money as a coach. I limped along for a while but then moved over into Va work then eventually copywriting. I had imposter syndrome then, but I think it was actually the reality of the situation - I was in no position to coach anyone. When do you know if the feelings/resistance you have aren't just YOU feeling not good enough, vs actually not having the right skills or experience to do the thing?
New comment 4d ago
my name is Richard and I'm currently working on creating an agency but I'm currently doing yt automation to start. my goal with yt automation is to make my first 10k online so far I've made $0 doing other businesses like copywriting, dropshipping, etc . Im excited to get started .
New comment 4d ago
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