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what I'm doing in 2025 🧐 [new podcast!]
In this episode, I’m sharing the 4 simple things I’m focused on in 2025. I shared a tiny bit about this on social media the other day, and realized hey I should dive a little deeper with this! My plan for 2025 is so simple. ✅ Run ads to low ticket products ✅ Those low ticket products automatically upgrade to my premium programs (a la my “Evergreen Every Day” style funnels) ✅ Send 3 tiny, short emails per week to my list (my 3X Micro-Content strategy) ✅ Host *one* big, fun, creative launch event And that's it 🙂 I've mapped out my schedule to do it all in less than 12 hours a week. It’s super simple and chill. So in this episode, I’m diving more into why I’m focused on these 4 things and how I’m approaching them. ➡️ Read the full blog post here or find this episode of the Mariah Coz Show on your favorite podcast app! In this episode: - My super simple plan for 2025 - The 4 bullet points I’m focused on for next year - How my 10 year biz-a-versary has me reflecting on next year - The unique way I approach my 1x/year live launch - Why I’m doubling down on ads - Two experiments we’ll be testing in the new year - Doing more of what works and not looking for more to do (aka, enoughness) 🔥 Watch the free masterclass I mentioned in the episode and join us in Profit Architecture here: 🔗 Resources + Links: - Visit the site -  - Shop -  - Blog -   - The Newsletter -
New comment 14d ago
what I'm doing in 2025 🧐 [new podcast!]
your evergreen ecosystem in <12 months 🛠️
Want a super detailed, step-by-step, month-by-month plan for creating the entire evergreen ecosystem of offers + funnels that all work together... in under a year? ​In today's episode​, I am walking you through 2 variations of detailed month-by-month plans for building out your evergreen ecosystem of offers, programs, products and the evergreen funnels to sell them in < 12 months (including lots of buffer time and breaks!). As we head into a new year, I wanted to break down a clear path to how you can utilize the next 12 months to build out each piece of the overall “ecosystem” of offers + funnels. Pay special attention to the “no new things” months - those are just as important to your long term success as the more detailed 4-week and 8-week project plans. ➡️ ​Read the full blog post here​ or find this episode of the Mariah Coz Show on your favorite podcast app In this episode: - 2 different ways to build out the full evergreen ecosystem in under 12 months - Detailed step-by-step and month-by-month plan for the next year - Why I started with lower ticket offers and built up to premium programs over time, but why you might want to do the opposite (with example calendars for both) - Exactly what to do each month to have all of your evergreen offers + funnels created by the end of the year - Why taking breaks and “maintenance mode” months are so important - The “order of operations” for building out each type of offer from low ticket to premium to high ticket - My recommendations based on taking thousands of students through this process - Why having the “shortcut” means you will take much less time to set all this up than it took me! ➡️ ​Watch the free masterclass I mention in the episode + join Profit Architecture here!​ 🎉 ​Map Your Model​ is back - just in time to plan for next year! Know exactly where your sales + revenue are coming from, how many leads you'll need, and what projects to focus on when for maximum profitability, ROI, and leverage in 2025. It's planning season!!
your evergreen ecosystem in <12 months 🛠️
💸 6 months of non-stop daily sales - here's how (podcast)
In this episode, I’m breaking down the 4 things we have in place that have created 6 months of non-stop, daily sales of our courses on evergreen! This is a huge milestone - we're on a "no zero sales day" streak for over 6 months now 😱 In June of this year, I made major changes to my business (and mindset) and set out to make sales every single day. 6 months later, I am a living, breathing embodiment of making sales every day. It still blows my mind! So let’s break down the 4 things I did to bring in daily sales, no zero sales days, for 6 months straight! ➡️ Read the full blog post here or find the episode of the Mariah Coz Show on your favorite podcast app In this episode: - 4 things we did to create 6 months of daily sales - How many course sales we made in 6 months - The mindset shifts that set me free to sell every day - The product suite that changed everything - How to let automation, email sequences, and funnels do more of the heavy lifting for your sales - The daily “Revenue Routine” that pulls it all together - Why you need to stop passively “hoping and wishing” for sales, and take matters into your own hands ➡️ I teach the mindset + mechanics of daily evergreen sales in Evergreen Every Day! 🔗 Resources + Links: - Visit the site -  - Shop -  - Blog -   The Newsletter - 👇 TELL ME IN THE COMMENTS: Do you agree that the "mindset" is just as important as the actions you take and strategy?
New comment Dec '24
💸 6 months of non-stop daily sales - here's how (podcast)
breaking down a $7,916 sales day 📊
Numbers nerds, this is for you!! ➡️ Read the full article on my website​ 🎧 Listen on the Mariah Coz Show podcast Ever wonder what the heck is going on behind the scenes when someone says “I had a $5,000 day!” while they weren't at their desk working? Like seriously - Where do the sales come from? What products are they selling? How much is low ticket vs. high ticket? What’s the secret here?! I’m going to de-mystify and break it all down for you in ​today's podcast episode​. I’m taking you into the nitty gritty details of a random $7,916 sales day. ​In this episode:​ - The exact revenue breakdown of a $7,916 evergreen sales day - How it all “adds up” aka, how many sales of each product at what price points - What’s going on behind the scenes even when I’m not actively working/posting/emailing - The lessons learned from this case study you can apply to your business, no matter what your daily sales goal is - The “Evergreen Echo Effect” - Why having a premium program is key - How you can assess if your business is set up for more daily sales Because I want you to make more evergreen sales in 2025: ➡️ Read the article on my website​ or find this episode of the Mariah Coz Show on your favorite podcast app! I'd love to know - what surprised you most about the breakdown? Tell me in the comments below! 👇 ____ ​For the next few days, Evergreen Every Day is 50% OFF!​ (and there's a new payment plan option that starts at just $43/month!) Every day that your products + programs aren't set up with an evergreen funnel, is a day that you're missing out on sales. You can keep bumping it to the end of your to-do list... but when you set it up, you're going to be thinking "why didn't I do this sooner?!!?"
breaking down a $7,916 sales day 📊
how to run an async program 📵 [new podcast episode!]
Delivering a delightful experience to your clients while maintaining a completely clear + spacious schedule... that's the dream right?! The ultimate win-win for you and your clients + students. They get exactly what they need in way less time 🤓 You get a clear + spacious calendar 🥹 2 years ago, when I restructured my business + programs to align with my ideal day (no calls, no meetings), I created an innovative program structure for Profit Architecture. If you've ever thought about how you can make your programs less call-heavy and give yourself more free space in your schedule, while your clients get incredible results, this is for you. 🎧 Listen to the new podcast episode ​"How My Clients Get Results In An Asynchronous Program (And Yours Can Too)"​ In this episode I’m sharing how my clients get results, make huge progress and feel supported through our Profit Architecture program which is totally asynchronous - meaning, no zoom calls! In this episode: - How I designed the innovative support structure for Profit Architecture after seeing what was happening with online learning in a post-pandemic world - Trusting that when your program delivery is aligned, it is the best thing for both you and your clients - How I knew my clients would still get incredible results from our unique, async support and delivery without any calls (this isn’t our first rodeo!) - The 3 things you have to remember about asynchronous programs - What inevitably happens after years of guiding lots of people through your programs, frameworks, and processes - How you can start to shift to a more async structure either in your courses or higher touch programs + masterminds 🎧 Listen to the new podcast episode ​"How My Clients Get Results In An Asynchronous Program (And Yours Can Too)"​ 👇 Tell me in the comments: Have you thought about making your own program more asynchronous?
New comment Oct '24
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