Welcome New Community Members!
We are delighted to announce that we are on the verge of reaching 10,000 members—a truly exciting milestone! Over recent months, we have observed an increase in members joining with the intention of promoting their services. We wish to remind everyone that this platform is dedicated to providing ChatGPT users a space to learn about and discuss AI. If you are looking to sell or share services or products, we kindly ask that you explore other suitable platforms such as Skool or various websites designed for such purposes. Please note, members who are reported by others for misusing our community's focus will face removal. While this may seem strict, our commitment is to maintain a focused environment for learning and sharing knowledge about AI. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Julie Helmer
Welcome New Community Members!
Public group
A home for entrepreneurs who use ChatGPT to discuss, discover, and connect with others using this incredible AI technology. ⭐️ Invite your friends ⭐️
Leaderboard (30-day)
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