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396 contributions to ChatGPT Users
Joined Agency Today!
After being unemployed for the past 16 months, I decided to take a big step and start my own Chatbot Agency using Agency by @Jason West. I am super excited and thank you @Jason West for providing an amazing platform to do this! I am excited, nervous and anxious to get started!!
New comment 2d ago
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@John Santos Thanks, John! I got tired of filling out job applications and hearing nothing back.
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@Jason West thank you!
Need to create good bullets for your website?
I love chatGPT and have found many ways for it to help me. One of the big challenges I was having was creating good bullet points. For a bullet point to be good, in my opinion, is it must create a sense of curiosity. One of the best copywriters I know of was Gary Halbert, and I wanted my bullet points to have the same curiosity factor that he used to create. I had an idea and put the following prompt inn ChatGPT 4: “please list 20 bullet points written by Gary Halbert” and I got the following list: Gary Halbert was renowned for his direct and engaging style of copywriting. Here are 20 bullet points that reflect the style and insights he often shared in his writing: 1. Write like you talk. Your copy should sound conversational and natural, not like a formal business presentation. 2. Focus on the reader. Always consider what's in it for them; your copy should address the reader’s needs, desires, and problems. 3. Use short sentences and paragraphs. This makes your writing easier to read and more engaging. 4. Start with a strong headline. Your headline should grab attention and promise a benefit that makes the reader want to continue. 5. Tell stories. People are naturally drawn to stories; they are engaging and make your message more memorable. 6. Include a clear call to action. Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do next. 7. Use bullet points to break up text and highlight key benefits. This makes information more digestible and scannable. 8. Keep it simple. Don’t use complex language or jargon that might confuse the reader. 9. Use testimonials and social proof. People are influenced by the actions and approvals of others. 10. Create a sense of urgency. Limited-time offers and limited quantities prompt quicker decisions. 11. Test everything. From headlines to offers, you should always be testing to see what works best. 12. Use the power of "because." People are more likely to comply with a request if they are given a reason. 13. Address objections. Overcome potential objections within your copy before they arise in the reader’s mind.
New comment 6d ago
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Hi, @John Carter; congratulations! You have used ChatGPT exactly as you should. You can give it any custom instructions to give you the output you desire. If you want to learn the basics, I highly recommend going through the ChatGPT Skool that @Jason West has put together. It will give you a really solid foundation. I took it a year ago and became certified. It really helped me understand how to work ChatGPT to my advantage. Happy prompting!
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@John Carter I applaud you for being an active learner at your age! You are right, there is so much to learn. Take it one day at a time. It's easy to get overwhelmed. Let me know if I can be of assistance!
What is the difference between a GPT and an Assistant AI
The terms "GPT" (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and "Assistant AI" refer to different concepts within the field of artificial intelligence, specifically in the context of language processing and task assistance. Here’s a breakdown of the differences: Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) 1. Model Type: GPT is a type of language model developed by OpenAI. It uses the Transformer architecture, designed to handle and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. 2. Training: GPT models are trained on a diverse range of internet text. They use unsupervised learning to predict the next word in a sentence, enabling them to generate coherent and contextually appropriate text based on the input they are given. 3. Capabilities: GPT models can perform a variety of language-based tasks, such as answering questions, writing essays, summarizing text, and more, without needing task-specific training. 4. Examples: Different versions, like GPT-3 and GPT-4, highlight the evolution of this technology, each version being more powerful and capable of handling more complex tasks with greater nuance. Assistant AI 1. Purpose: Assistant AI refers to AI systems explicitly designed to assist users in completing tasks. These can include scheduling appointments, answering questions, providing recommendations, or even handling complex scenarios like programming or composing emails. 2. Components: While Assistant AI can use models like GPT as part of their underlying technology, they often incorporate additional elements such as task management capabilities, integration with other services (like calendars or email clients), and a user interface designed for interaction. 3. Functionality: The functionality of Assistant AI is typically broader than that of a standalone GPT model. Assistant AI can integrate various data sources and APIs to perform tasks that require real-time information or interaction with other digital systems. 4. User Interaction: Assistant AIs are often designed with a specific focus on user experience, offering conversational interfaces that can maintain context over longer interactions, understand user preferences, and personalize responses.
New comment 6d ago
Create GPTs You Can Sell Anywhere!
I just released a a new video on my YouTube channel that I'm really excited to share with you all 🎥 In this video, I dive into how you can create your own GPT's that you can deploy anywhere on the web and monetise them without the user needing to be a ChatGPT Plus subscriber. 🔗 Watch here: Create GPTs You Can Sell Anywhere! Please like, comment, and subscribe if you find the video helpful. Your support means a lot 🙌 Looking forward to your thoughts and feedback! 💬✨
New comment 6d ago
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@Jason West thank you for providing this helpful video. I have been waiting to build any more GPTs because I couldn't figure out how to monetize them without having to go through OpenAI. How does handle the usage of the GPT? Does it matter how many tokens are used per GPT, and how is that paid for? Also, do you have a video about setting up a paywall? Thanks, @Jason West, for all your help. Of course, I'll ask ChatGPT about the paywall because I know you're super busy! :)
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Here is the information I got for setting up a paywall on my website. Setting up a paywall on a website involves several steps, including planning the strategy, choosing the right technology, and implementing and testing the system. Here's a general guide on how to set up a paywall: 1. Determine Your Strategy - Content Assessment: Decide which content will be behind the paywall. This could include exclusive articles, video content, e-books, or special reports. - Paywall Model: Choose the type of paywall that suits your business model. Common types include:Hard Paywall: All content is behind a paywall.Soft Paywall: Some content is free; other content requires a subscription.Metered Paywall: Users can view a certain number of articles per month before needing to subscribe.Freemium Model: Basic content is free, but premium content is paid. 2. Select the Right Technology - Paywall Services: Consider using a paywall service provider like Piano, Zephr, or Memberful. These platforms offer robust solutions that can handle subscriptions, user accounts, and payments. - Custom Solution: For a more tailored approach, develop a custom paywall system. This might require hiring developers and involves creating your own subscription management, authentication, and payment processing systems. - CMS Plugins: If your site runs on a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, there are plugins available (such as Leaky Paywall) that can easily integrate a paywall. 3. Integration - Payment Processing: Integrate a payment gateway to handle subscriptions and payments. Options include Stripe, PayPal, or Square. Make sure your payment gateway complies with security standards (like PCI DSS). - User Authentication and Access Control: Develop or integrate a system to manage user accounts, authenticate users, and control access based on subscription status. 4. Legal and Compliance - Terms and Conditions: Update your terms of service to include information about subscription terms, cancellation policies, and refunds. - Privacy Policy: Ensure your privacy policy complies with regulations (like GDPR or CCPA) especially regarding user data collected through the subscription process.
Welcome New Community Members!
We are delighted to announce that we are on the verge of reaching 10,000 members—a truly exciting milestone! Over recent months, we have observed an increase in members joining with the intention of promoting their services. We wish to remind everyone that this platform is dedicated to providing ChatGPT users a space to learn about and discuss AI. If you are looking to sell or share services or products, we kindly ask that you explore other suitable platforms such as Skool or various websites designed for such purposes. Please note, members who are reported by others for misusing our community's focus will face removal. While this may seem strict, our commitment is to maintain a focused environment for learning and sharing knowledge about AI. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
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Julie Helmer
1,050points to level up
Content Creator, ChatGPT Certified, Author, Photographer

Active 5h ago
Joined Jun 13, 2023
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