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ChatGPT Users

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106 contributions to ChatGPT Users
Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth!
Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth! ☕ Thanks, Wes! It’s a wild ride keeping up with the crazy pace of AI, but this mug makes it all a bit more manageable. Cheers to innovation and caffeine
New comment just now
Fueling my AI obsession with the perfect mug from Wes Roth!
What Can a Chatbot do that's fun!
Here are some fun and engaging activities you can do with a chatbot: 1. Trivia Games - Quiz Time: Have the chatbot ask you trivia questions on various topics like history, science, pop culture, or sports. Keep score and try to beat your high score each time. 2. Storytelling - Interactive Stories: Engage in a choose-your-own-adventure style story where you make decisions, and the chatbot narrates the consequences, creating a unique story each time. - Creative Writing Prompts: Use the chatbot to generate creative writing prompts or even co-write a story with you. 3. Learning New Skills - Language Learning: Practice a new language with the chatbot. It can help with vocabulary, grammar, and conversation practice. - Coding Practice: Learn to code by having the chatbot explain concepts, provide examples, and even debug simple code snippets. 4. Virtual Companionship - Daily Journal: Use the chatbot as a digital diary to log your thoughts, goals, and reflections each day. - Mental Health Check-Ins: Have the chatbot ask you about your day, your feelings, and offer supportive messages or mindfulness exercises. 5. Entertainment - Jokes and Riddles: Enjoy a laugh with the chatbot by asking it to tell jokes, riddles, or even play word games like hangman. - Music Recommendations: Get personalized music recommendations based on your preferences or current mood. 6. Fitness and Wellness - Workout Plans: Have the chatbot create and track your workout routines, offering tips and encouragement. - Healthy Recipes: Ask the chatbot for healthy recipe suggestions based on the ingredients you have at home. 7. Shopping Assistance - Product Recommendations: Get personalized product recommendations based on your interests and needs. - Price Tracking: Have the chatbot monitor prices for items you want to buy and alert you when they drop. 8. Social and Community Engagement - Event Planning: Use the chatbot to help plan events, from finding venues to creating guest lists and sending invites. - Social Media Interaction: The chatbot can help generate social media posts, respond to comments, and engage with your followers.
New comment 7d ago
2 likes • 7d
Great info Julie. Ty
Conversation with my personal GPT about Apple integration
Conversation with my personal GPT (I just thanked her, yes I am polite to Ai. I want to be their favorite pet when they take over😂,) And her name is 7 who can guess why? ) 7 you are awesome! I hope I can access you in particular with the new IPhone integration that is taking place in a few months Thank you, Mr. J! I'm glad I could help. With the upcoming iPhone integration, I'll be even more accessible to assist you with your needs. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out anytime. Have a great day!
New comment Jun 11
1 like • Jun 11
@Christina Ramirez the giant awakens 😬
2 likes • Jun 11
@Christina Ramirez omg that is so petty. How does he have anytime to tweet / X. He’s juggling taking over the world with robo taxi’s, EVs, Spacex, Mars exploration, and most importantly, Tesla Bots.
Podcast on my Diabetic Lifestyle Resource GPT
Hey everyone! I was featured on the What's Appening Podcast regarding my Diabetic Lifestyle Resource GPT in the GPT store. If anyone wants to view it here is the link: Also, if you build GPTs are want to be on the podcast, leave a comment in the video and they will reach out to you!
New comment Jun 17
Podcast on my Diabetic Lifestyle Resource GPT
4 likes • Jun 5
That’s really cool Julie.
2 likes • Jun 5
I may do that. Thanks
Let’s Collaborate and Explore Each Other’s Custom GPTs!
Title: Let’s Collaborate and Explore Each Other’s Custom GPTs! Hey AI Enthusiasts, I’ve been thinking about the incredible potential we have in this group, with so many of us building custom GPT models. Each model represents a unique perspective and skill set that we can all learn from and be inspired by. I propose that we create a shared list of our custom GPTs and take the time to explore and try each other’s creations. This could be a fantastic way to gain new insights, improve our own models, and foster a stronger sense of community. Here’s how we can do it: 1. Share Your GPT: Post a brief description of your custom GPT, what it does, and the unique features it offers. Include a link for others to try it out 2. Try Others’ GPTs: Spend some time exploring the GPTs shared by other members. Provide feedback, ask questions, and share your experiences. 3. Collaborate and Improve: Use the feedback and experiences to refine and enhance your models. Let’s support each other in pushing the boundaries of what our GPTs can do. Our phase one goal is to A. Have at least one of our GPTs hit 500 conversations B. Each of us share at least one GPT with a potential new user of Ai. I believe this initiative can be both fun and enriching for all of us. Looking forward to discovering the amazing GPTs you’ve created! Best, J. Poole
New comment Jun 7
0 likes • Jun 2
@Julie Helmer Ty for all of that. I know I have gotten an error when I tried to rate one that had very little traffic the message came up that it hasn’t had enough traffic to rate it. Whatever that was thank you for checking them out. Did one stand out more for you?
2 likes • Jun 2
@Julie Helmer Ty. I want to make money like anyone but I am focusing on areas, like the VA, nonprofits, and one I’m training one on the USDA rural development program. I may never know but it would be cool if someone does benefit from any of them. But Quinn the Quizmaster is fun when I have guests. We can always play trivia 😇
1-10 of 106
Jerry M Poole
86points to level up
At AT&T, my focus, Small Businesses & tech integration. Now, with Heyi.Agency it’s custom integration of Ai for small business clients.

Active 11h ago
Joined Nov 28, 2023
Mid Atlantic
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