Need Help Finding Individuals With Experience?
Here's a short prompt I use quite often to find specific persons, things, skills etc in the structure I require. Below is an example I used for copywriting.
Show me a list of renowned copywriters who are best at the below points:
1) copywriting for marketing
2) copywriting as a content writer
3) any other criteria(s) you're looking for
Example reply:
Marketing: 5 - [A brief description and why]
Content: 4 - [A brief description and why]
Any other following above criteria(s) you've defined
- Rate according to the 3 criterias on a scale of 0-5, 0 being very poor and 5 being a subject matter expert with proven results/use cases.
- Exclude companies, agencies and services. Only individuals with these skillset and experiences
Hope the group find this useful for your own use cases.
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Calvin Goh
Need Help Finding Individuals With Experience?
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